This morning was such a wonderful morning at church. I could almost touch the joy and presence of the Lord. It’s not always that way, for sure…and usually if not, it’s my own fault. But, this morning I just sang my heart out and enjoyed blessing the Lord in that way. Oftentimes, praising Him is therapy for my soul. I’m so thankful that He gets the glory. I drove home and thanked God for the beautiful, sweet time we had in worship and in our small group. I thanked Him for the leaders of our church who serve so selflessly. I was just thankful.
Then, I walked in the front door of our house.
Heaviness. Overwhelmed. Too much to do. Dishes everywhere. Food that needs to be cooked. Too much laundry that I didn’t really feel like folding. Another load in the washer. Hungry kids. Kids complaining about the food. Me complaining about them complaining. Me complaining about having too much to do and no one offering to help. Oh my…
So, after I wallowed in my self pity and got some laundry going, got several meals going, cleaned up some dishes, even left a few in the sink…I went to the living room and sat down. I had a bad attitude and I was beginning to realize it.
The Lord ever so gently reminded me of the passage I have been reading, re-reading and meditating on for the past few weeks from Colossians 3. Don’t laugh…but yes, of course, in my humanness, I had already forgotten these words, the very words God had impressed on my heart to learn and focus on. 🙂 Hmmmm, I don’t have to wonder WHY He asked me to focus on this chapter!!
“Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on early things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” Col. 3:1-3
Yep. I was not setting my heart or thoughts on things above. I was focused on my self. When I am focused on me, I quickly become overwhelmed, frustrated, a complainer…me, me, me. How quickly I forget. How easily I get wrapped up in myself. Oh Lord, I just need you so very much.
When I set my heart on things above, when I turn my thoughts to God, I become thankful…thankful for even the dishes piled in the sink. Who cares if there are dishes piled in the sink? That certainly isn’t “setting my heart on things above” to complain about that OR the fact that no one but me is going to put them away. I have so very much to be thankful for. I need the reminder to turn my eyes off of myself and turn them to Jesus.
Oh Lord, thank you for not giving up on me. Forgive me for my complaining. Forgive me for snapping at my children. Forgive my selfishness. Lord, I want to set my heart on things above. I need that constant reminder of Your love, Your grace, Your sacrifice. I need You so desperately to take over. I need you to save me from myself. Thank you for your grace in my life. Thank you for the hope I find in You and You alone.
Oh God, I have been raised with Christ…help me to set my heart on things above, where Christ is seated at Your right hand. Help me to set my mind on things above, not on earthly things. For I have died and my life is now hidden in You…thank You.
I love your heart Candace. Sincere. Transparent. Real. Don’t we all find ourselves in that selfish place sometimes? But He’s always just waiting for us to cry out to Him. Thanks for the encouragement!