I have mentioned before that I love Neta Jackson’s books. I haven’t just mentioned them, I’ve raved about them. 🙂 (psst…take a peek at that linked post where Neta Jackson herself leaves me a comment!! giddy!)
I listed Jackson’s Yada Yada Series AND the House of Hope series as some of my all-time favorite fiction reads.
So, when I saw that Neta Jackson had a brand new series out AND that I could review her book for BookSneeze, I jumped on the opportunity!! (Literally, I couldn’t even wait for the paper copy, which I’d much rather have, but chose the e-book so I could start it yesterday! And today I finished it!)
I want to try to relay to you why I love Neta’s books so very much. I enjoy Christian fiction, but if you take a look at my favorite book list, you will see that there are MANY more Christian living type books than fiction. I just haven’t found a lot of Christian fiction books that are ENJOYABLE but also help me GROW in my faith. (Don’t get me wrong, I love a good fluffy book every now and then to help get my mind off things and help me relax. That just isn’t the majority of my reading or what I enjoy most.)
Neta Jackson’s books do both. Not only do I get caught up in the characters, that are very real-life, down-to-earth, easy to identify with…but I am challenged in each of the books I have read thus far in my prayer life, in my worship and in my friendships.
The characters in this new book, Stand by Me (A SouledOut Sisters Novel)
, are familiar with a few new additions as well! This is something else I love about these books…I “met” some of these characters and grew to love them in the Yada Yada series, and here they are still in the story lines of the new books!!
From the book description:
“Sometimes the person you most need is the one least like you.”
The Yada Yada ladies that we met originally, are still meeting every other week for a prayer time. These ladies have been meeting now for 7 years and are still going strong! I love their friendships, how authentic they are with one another, and how they spend time worshiping together before praying. And when they pray together, they pray. Let me tell you…these books have left me longing for a Yada Yada group of my own!! (I guess I should be praying about this!!)
These ladies are all from different walks of life…none just like the other…different nationalities, all living in a big city. Different ages, different stages of life. But these women know how to love. They grow together, learning that even though they are so very different, being sisters in Christ brings a bond like nothing else in this life. Together they have walked through some very difficult things. And because we see them struggle, these women will inspire you to pray more and pray more authentically, to worship with abandon, to love those around you with that same abandon, and to serve.
I guess what I love most about Neta Jackson’s books is that I come away inspired and having spent time reading about ladies whose prayer lives I would like to emulate. You don’t find that very often in fiction!
I have only one beef with these books: they aren’t coming out fast enough. ha!! I get to the end of one of the books and I really *need* to know how their situations turn out!! **grin**
If you have read any of her books, I’d love to hear your thoughts as well!! 🙂 Do you love them as much as I do?
**full disclosure: I received the e-book, Stand By Me, for free from the BookSneeze program, in exchange for my honest review of the book on my blog.
**one more disclosure. 🙂 I apologize for the rapid posting of several books all at once! It will not always happen this way…one post got published early by accident and then I had to post a review to get another book to read. 🙂 I’m sure my book-ish posts will even out! Thanks for bearing with me and for stopping by!!
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