I have been pondering my word of the year lately. Faith. And I started pinning faith quotes. There are some great ones! Then I came across this necklace. I love it. But, I love even more what it means…
Pondering and wondering and praying that someday those that knew me will say that I was a woman of faith. But, what evidence do I see in my own life that I do live by faith? Can others see my faith? I pray regularly that God would increase my faith. And I think He is. But, do others see that? Is my faith living and growing and showing the world my Jesus?
As odd as it sounds, I think faith and gratitude have a lot to do with each other. I think the more I focus on all the GIFTS that God has GIVEN, the more my FAITH is boosted!! When I see how FAITHFUL He has been in the past in my own life, my faith grows!! Isn’t God amazing like that?!?!
“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.” ~ John Milton, from Ann Voskamp’s God in the Moment daily calendar.
much to be thankful for…bestowing reverence, encountering everyday epiphanies, growing my faith…
watching robins bathe in backyard puddles
mexican with cousins
birthday parties for family
saturday morning walks with my family
reading Kisses from Katie with my kids
a clean house, mowed lawn & laundry done. all at the same time. feels good! 🙂
school plans
a lazy Saturday around the house
a cup of coffee and reading in the quiet mornings
a nice, neat, decluttered and re-arranged school room as we start our new year! (pics to come!)
discussing Gal. 5 with our small group. good stuff.
#3191- 3202
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