As time permits, I would like to share with you a few of the projects that Hannah has worked on alllllll on her own. 🙂 I have never suggested ideas, prompted her or anything…she just likes doing things with her hands. She likes creating. And I think this is a creative outlet for her to express what she is learning! As I watch her working…and when I see how proud she always is of her work, I see my daughter come alive. This truly is her “life’s work” right now.
Another thing that the book suggests that I want to try and implement is talking with Hannah as she works and finding out what she is interested in learning about regarding her project. I want to be able to spur her on to keep going with her projects too. I think in the past I haven’t done much to encourage and motivate her to keep going with projects. I want to be better about this by asking questions, hearing what she is interested in – specifically with this particular project – and writing down these things as we talk about them so I can go back and discuss them with her later also.
Hannah took a cardboard box, filled it with dirt and grass (a little messy! ha! I was ok with that.) She then created each of the characters – ma, pa, mary, laura and carrie. She made these characters out of wooden pegs we had in our craft stash.
Then she created her little cabin with cardboard, little sticks and packing tape! She also made trees at the point in the story where they were in the big woods.
I love it!
**I excitedly shared my thoughts on this book here.
If you’d like to read all my posts on project based homeschooling, click here.
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