As you know, I have shared a lot about my struggle with depression here on the blog. I haven’t written a lot about it recently because I’ve been in a good place. But, when I heard this sermon, I was prompted to share it with you…and also to consider sharing about it more often – even from the good place I’m in. My prayer is that I can be an encouragement to you…and I believe this sermon will do just that! It’s probably the best sermon I’ve ever heard on depression.
The Gospel and Depression ~ this is from Austin Stone Church in TX. I have some friends that recently moved here and are loving their new church! I hope to listen to more sermons soon.
I have been pondering a lot lately…
Could I consider depression a gift?
In my heart, can I treasure the places God has moved my heart and grown me and changed me because of depression?
Can I thank Him for the humility He has given because of it?
Can I thank Him for allowing me to share in His sufferings?
I’m learning to count it all joy. I’m learning to thank Him in all things. Is this what true contentment looks like?
If Prozac had been available to Luther we may never have had the Reformation. Depression, when not clinically critical, often is the time of greatest creativity. Dad