I had such a wonderful weekend! I was blessed to go on my first scrapbooking weekend! It was such fun! See that top picture? That was a glance of the big room we were in…there were probably 30 women or so, each with their own big table, some women with 2 tables. SO MUCH STUFF! Let’s just say my table was bare compared to what some of these ladies had. But it was so much fun!!
a weekend with other ladies ~ old friends and new
lots of great snacks
great meals too, not having to cook all weekend!!
a comfy bed and sleeping in both mornings
a good friend to drive over with and room with
beautiful, beautiful snow
beautiful surroundings
parenting wisdom shared from older, wiser mothers
making garden & chicken plans with hubby
starting a big compost bin
Abundant Simplicity: Discovering the Unhurried Rhythms of Grace ~ this book is meeting me very much where I’m at on this journey to contentment, simplicity. Isn’t the title and subtitle beautiful?
birthday week for my oldest!! 11 yrs old!! Whew!
#3497 – 3508
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