As we head into the Advent season this prayer is the cry of my heart. The noise in the world is My heart needs this reminder to give and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit without the rush for more, more, more material goods.
More of Jesus, less of me.
More reflection on Christ, less worry about self.
More peace that passes understanding, less fretfulness over the worldly.
More quiet, less noise.
More giving, less taking.
More seeking of things above, less focus on earthly.
More heavenly perspective, less here and now.
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
I have this Litany of Humility printed and placed where I can view and remember and meditate on it often.
Join me…
Here is a free PDF for you to print and reflect on this Advent season!
Please no colored background or unusual font. Colored background costs so much more to print.
Unusual font, especially script) does not communicate as clearly as does Arial 12 point.
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