If you are sick and tired of feeling so dreadfully busy and are looking for a one-point plan to help restore order to your life, this is the best advice I know: devote yourself to the Word of God and prayer. Kevin DeYoung from Crazy Busy
Would you like to make God and His Word a priority? I’ve been feeling the nudge of the Holy Spirit to read through the entire Bible again. I hope you’ll join me!
If you’ve read my blog for several years now, you may remember that I read the Bible in 90 Days about 3 times in previous years. For me, the quicker pace offers me more motivation. I have fizzled out multiple times when doing the full year of reading the Bible, but for some reason, reading it faster helps me to get it in.
It does take a bigger time commitment. I have told folks to plan on 45 minutes up to an hour DAILY for your Bible reading. And for me, my reading the Bible like this is a gift to the Lord from me. It is something I can do FOR Him that will also help me grow closer to Him. Reading it more quickly helps you to see the bigger picture as well.
There are times when solitude is better than society, and silence is wiser than speech. We should be better Christians if we were more alone, waiting upon God, and gathering through meditation on His Word spiritual strength for labour in his service. We ought to muse upon the things of God, because we thus get the real nutriment out of them. . . . Why is it that some Christians, although they hear many sermons, make but slow advances in the divine life? Because they neglect their closets, and do not thoughtfully meditate on God’s Word. They love the wheat, but they do not grind it; they would have the corn, but they will not go forth into the fields to gather it; the fruit hangs upon the tree, but they will not pluck it; the water flows at their feet, but they will not stoop to drink it. From such folly deliver us, O Lord. Charles Spurgeon
What is Praying the Bible in 100 Days?
First of all, it is READING the ENTIRE Bible.
Secondly, we will PRAY before we read, as we read and after we read. Praying for the Holy Spirit to guide us and teach us and comfort us through His Word as we dedicate our hearts to this plan allows Him to do His work in us!
Thirdly, find phrases in each day’s passage that you can PRAY for your own life or your family. Any of the verses I have shared in the past will give you an example. When you read in Genesis about God’s creation, thank Him for the beauty around you. When you read in Exodus about the Israelites in captivity, thank Him for freeing your soul from sin. In the Psalms we can pray along with David the joys and trials of life in Christ.
A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t. Charles Spurgeon
Praying the Bible in 100 Days Details
- Starting date January 1st
- Ending date April 10th (or whenever you finish!!)
- Printable schedule of verses in PDF below
- I will NOT be posting daily on the blog. I will have 4 scheduled blog posts (with link ups) if you wish to join us!
- Follow the hashtag #prayingthescriptures on Instagram (and other social media) to add your pictures as well as follow ours!
Commit to Join Us
Reading a Bible plan such as this takes commitment. Maybe you’ve made it a goal in 2015 to get in God’s Word more. This is a perfect way to do that.
Here’s several ways you can commit, choose one!
- Leave a comment below. I will make a list and PRAY DAILY for each person who comments below that they are joining us.
- Join us on Instagram with the hashtag #prayingthescriptures and add your own Bible pics or prayers or Scriptures.
- Add pictures, verses, quotes or anything that God speaks to you with the same hashtag as we read throughout this process!
- I will not be posting daily about this on the blog. However, I will have a few blog posts throughout the process and will share those dates with you in about a week when we have our first LINK UP.
Link Up: If you are a blogger and wish to join us, on Friday, January 2nd, we will have a link up for anyone who is committing to join us. You can post anything you like about this plan – link back to this post, share with others about your commitment. Accountability is a GREAT way to ensure that we STICK THIS OUT.
On the day of the first link up (Jan. 2nd) I will share the remaining dates for the blog posts about Praying through the Bible in 100 Days.
Closed Facebook Group
Update: I have created a closed Facebook group for this challenge!
Another Update: You do NOT have to friend me, just click to “join” this group!
The Bible was not given for our information but for our transformation. Dwight L. Moody
Print your 100 Day Reading Schedule
Days 1 to 50 PDF
Days 51 to 100 PDF
I hope you will prayerfully consider joining us in making God and His Word a priority in 2015!! Blessings to each of you in the New Year!
Do you have more questions about this plan? Leave them in the comments below!
I will be joining you in the 100 days of praying the scriptures! Can’t wait! Blessings to all!
Yay, Vanessa!!! I’m glad you’re joining us!
I will be doing this and am considering making a family thing with my husband and 11 your old son and just turned 13 year old daughter. I was thinking we could read together out loud each night after dinner.
Paula, I’m so glad to have you! Love that you want to do this with your family too. 🙂
I have just started with this study plan, m also doing fasting and prayer along with it and i have realised that there is no Ecclesiastes or please help to locate it. Thank you
Hi! You read it on day 56 because it falls between proverbs and Song of Songs!
I’m doing it!
So glad to have you, Emily!
I will be joining, this will be a great way to jump start my spiritual renewal
Heidi, I’m so glad you’re joining us!
Am going to give it a try!
Yay, Michelle!! So glad!
I’ve been struggling lately to stop and pray and forget about reading the Bible. I knew I wanted to take the opportunity of the “fresh start” of the new year to be recommitted to a close relationship with God. Loving the thought of this!
Kirsten, I hope you will join us! If you struggle with remembering, maybe set an alarm on your phone? Or write in on your planner? Also, if you’re on Instagram or Facebook you can follow or friend me there and we can encourage one another! 🙂 Be sure to look for the hashtag #prayingthescriptures
I will be joining you to pray and read
I’m so glad, Earlene!!
I will be joining you!
Stephanie, I’m glad to have you along!
I will be joining you too! 🙂
Yay, Michele!
I am going to do this. I am nervous though, but I’m still going to do it. I’ve never read the bible entirely but I’m so hungry to hear from God. Thank you also for your free printibles 🙂 its really awesome and appreciated
Nicole, you can do this!!! I will be praying for you daily! Are you on Instagram or Facebook or anything? Follow or friend me there and we can encourage one another. 🙂
Thank you very much. I am following you in Pintrest and instagram. I believe God brought me to your blog and I’m hoping I can use it to help me find the light in my darkness. Thank you again <3
I’m in. Tried this before, but couldn’t manage to do it. Going to set alarms this time.
Yay Ronda!! So glad you’re joining us. 🙂 I think I have 7 local ladies so far…would love to do a celebration dinner in April when we finish!!
I need this. I feel my life is spinning out of control and need God’s word and direction. I am a 45 year old who is depressed, filled with anxiety, and feel like a failure. I want to be a better husband, father, and friend and know without God’s word in my life that i am spinning around in circles.
Ben and I will join you!
Yay! I’m so glad!! And Ben is officially our first teen AND first male participant! 🙂 You will have to tell me how it goes with him doing the reading. Maybe you should post about your progress with a teenager. 🙂
Will do my best to do this. Thank you for making this a priority for you and allowing us to join along.
Rhoda, I’m so glad you’re joining us!
I will be joining you!! I may have to get through it a tiny bit sooner than 100 days. We have a new baby boy due in March so I definitely need as much grace as possible adjusting to having two wild little boys. 🙂
Amanda — how exciting!! I’m adding you to my prayer list! Thank you for joining us! I’ve joined the 90 day plan in the past and finished in 87 or 88 days…so it can be done!!
I will be joining in the 100 days of reading the Bible. Really need and want to hear from God. I feel lost and need His direction.
Tawana, I’m glad you are joining us. I think making a commitment to the Lord in times of seeking Him and not feeling Him as close are a GREAT way for the Lord to get ahold of your heart. I am praying for you!!
I will be joining! I did the Read The Bible in 90 Days at the end of 2012. Then in 2013 I did a 180 day plan. This year I just read from a devotional because I was pregnant most of the year and didn’t have the energy to get up at my usual time. I’ve been thinking about a reading plan for 2015 when I saw this post! Can’t wait to join other ladies this time around!
Laura — awesome!! I’m so glad to have you along!
I’m in!! Great way to be accountable and read His word!!
So glad you’re doing this with us, Kristina! Thanks for helping on the Facebook page too. 🙂
I’m absolutely doing this! Like you, I always fizzle on the 1 year plans. I think a full immersion cram session is just the ticket!
Full immersion cram session — perfect description!! 🙂 So glad you’re joining us!
I’ve just joined the Facebook group and made the commitment to take this journey with you guys! I’ve printed out the schedule too. I am very much looking forward to seeing how God will use this group to encourage and uplift each one of us as we make it a priority to join together and seek HIM first in the upcoming new year! Very excited to see where the Lord will lead… 🙂
So glad to have you, Christina!
Joined & committed 🙂
Yay, Sara!!
I’m in! Thanks so much for doing this! 🙂
Paula, so glad to have you!!
We’ll attempt this, my boys (12 and 15) and I. Perhaps I can persuade my daughter, Jen (who now lives 650+ miles away), to join, too. 🙂
Yay Wendy!! Love that your kids are joining us. 🙂 Marcy’s Ben is joining us too, so tell your boys they aren’t the only teenage boys reading along!!
Hi Candace.
I am going to join you and the others. Is there a list of people so we can pray for each other?
Paula, so glad to have you join us! Are you on Facebook? There is a closed, private group for those of us reading the Bible in 100 Days that I created! You could go there and pray for the member list that way! If not, I have also posted one picture on instagram of my written list in my prayer journal, though there are already about 20 more names! 🙂 Let me know if you’re not on Facebook and I will send you a list by email!
Hi, I will be joining you, too! I’ve been struggling with many things and praying for God to send me where He wants me to be. I began reading the Bible again about a month ago and love the idea of joining all of you.
I’ve read through the whole New Testament several times and have attempted the Old Testament but never got through it. I’ll be joining you in the 100 days of reading and praying through the Bible.
Julie, so glad to have you reading with us, friend!
More than ready to jump into the scriptures with you these first 100 days of 2015! <3
As we start a new year, my family and I will devote ourselves to the Word of God and prayer with each of you in this awesome plan of “praying the Bible in 100 days”. God has blessed us to home-school our 2 youngest children, ages 12 & 10, we begin and end our days with prayer and reading the Bible. We are looking forward to all the blessings God accomplishes through the multitude of brothers and sisters in Christ that are devoting their hearts and time to this plan. Family through Christ, The Day’s
Please add me to your list….this will be a great start to 2015!! Thank you for sharing your heart and being so real!
Would love the prayer. I’ve never made it through the Bible in full.
I will be joining! I will join the link up and have requested to join the facebook group as well! So excited to be a part of this!
I’m in.
Thank you I will sure try to do this. I really need it but being a single mother of a 21 month girl and 9year old boy, due to making a choice to leave my emotional abusive husband that do not want to sign the divorce papers, it is not easy . I am a grade 2 teacher as well, things can get quite hectic at times. Thanks for the reading plan.
Excited to be participating in this! Thnx!
I just happened upon this & and it feels like I did for a reason. I would like to give this a try. Thanks.
Would love to join you! I have been needing to get back in to God’s word daily!
I will be joining you and just sent a friend request!
So glad to have you join us, Chris!
I am in! For some reason I can not find the group on FB. Could you add me? http://www.facebook.com/CherylsSpears
Cheryl, I have you added now! Thank you and welcome!
I will be joining you on this journey.
So glad to have you, Heather!
Hi Candace, I will be joining everyone on this journey together. Hoping to include my granddaughter. Looking forward to this:)
I love that you’re including your granddaughter! So glad to have you both!
Count me in
Stacy, yay! So glad you’re joining us!
I want to do this 🙂
Yay, Mandy!! Glad to have you!
I will be joining you as well. I am making a conscious effort to be more positive this coming year. Also to be a better wife and mom, so this will tie in nicely! Trying to find the Facebook group but can’t.
Tawnya, I emailed you! Let me know if you don’t get it. You need to friend me to get into the group, I think. Glad to have you!
Count me in! I’ve never read through the entire Bible in this short of a span but I feel like I needed it right now…
Amanda, so glad to have you join us!!! 🙂
YES! Can’t wait! Thank you so much!
I think I’m gonna give this a try, Candace! I’ve seen your posts on Instagram and have been thinking about it for a few days. Excited to try this because I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve never read through the entire Bible.
Karen — Yay! So glad to have you join us! 🙂 Let me know if you want to be added to the Facebook group!
I will be joining in!
Please add me to your list! I am SO looking forward to praying through the scriptures with you & the others! I love the faster pace of reading through the Bible too. Blessings!
I look forward to joining you on this journey through the Word!
I’m looking forward to joining in the challenge!
I’m so excited for this. This is the worst time of year for my depression until around March so this will be perfect timing to dive into the scriptures
Annette, that seems to be the case for me, too!! I’m excited to get going!
I am in! Thanks for starting this!
I love this idea. I’m in. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to encourage, guide and speak to me through this. Thank you.
Please add me to the Facebook group. Thanks so much! Mray1217@gmail.com
Challenge accepted. Blessings to all.
Thank you so much for guest posting on my site about this! After some consideration and prayer, I’m going to be joining you. Thanks for putting it together! I sent a join request for the fb group.
I look forward to working on this – I have never finished a short project like this – only long two year plan …
I would love to join the FB group!
I am joining in the Bible reading…I have usually done one year or more to read but feel a pull to saturate my mind in God’s Word.
Hi there! I saw a post from a FB friend in another state no less… Indicating her plan to do this. I like many other people, want to make the word a priority. Not going to lie, I get kind of “stuck” when i get into the OT. But I am DETERMINED to let God show me the way and know him more and more! So IAM IN!!❤️
Gloria, I’m thrilled you’re joining us!
I am going to do this!
Yes!! I love this idea, what a way to start a new year!
I will be joining you and praying for you as well.
Excited to get started!
I’m in!
I did the reading for day 1 today, just to make sure it was really do-able. I’m in! And am so excited for this concentrated time in the Word. Thank you so much for the motivation and printables!
love this faster pace!
This is awesome – and I DO want to join in with the others in reading the Bible in 100 days!! It will be a great way for me to get back into daily reading the Bible; and I will add it to the devotion booklet I pick up at church for my daily reading, studying and prayer time…and my prayer is that I can continue to do this ALL YEAR and not let it go before the end of the first month or two!!
Thank you for sharing this wonderful link for all of us to be able to read the same scriptures – and have a place to comment and share our perspectives or thoughts on that scripture. Prayers for ALL who are joining!
I will be doing this and am excited to start!
Excited to join!!
I will join in this reading. It will be an amazing journey
very blessed to have come across your site.. I will be joining you in the 100 days of praying and praying for accountability. Let’s help one another. Happy New year to us all! GOD bless us all 🙂
Looking forward to this!
I want to join. With so many children still at home I tend to fall behind. I want to make this work.
Thank you for this challenge. This is something I know I really need, it will be difficult once the 5th comes as I work two jobs and sometimes I’m lucky to have 2 hours in the day for anything other than work, but I am going to try my hardest. I need to be saturated in the word right now.
I will be joining you in the 100 day reading. Looking forward to seeing what God has for me.
I’d love ❤ to be a part of this group!
I am joining you in reading the Bible in 100 days! I pray that I can keep up. Having a group of us should help keep us motivated! 🙂
I joined the FB group but forgot to comment here. I’m joining too. 🙂
PLanning to join and join the facebook group! SO need this! 🙂
Just saw this today but I will be joining and starting tomorrow (because its almost 9pm).
Getting ready to start now! Day 1 –
We are trying this together! God bless you.
I’d like to join 100 day challenge 🙂
i just found out about this and am excited to join!
I’m so looking forward to this…..it will be amazing to see what will happen when this many women(&men) read the Bible together and pray.
Candace, I am excited to join you even though I am joining late. Not a great way to start but I feel led to do so. Thank you so much for your encouragement in staying in the scriptures. God bless!
I am excited to join you on this journey through the Bible.
Looking forward to reading through the Bible with you this session. I’ve tried the Bible in 90 days and read through OT and stopped – summer arrived. I hope to remain faithful to this effort regardless that it may take me more than 100 days!
joining in today!
Joining! 🙂
I am looking forward to joining this group!
Yes, I would like to join in
Have requested to join the facebook group as well.
Thank you!
Can I still join? I think I’m going to give it a try!
I’m a late starter, but I’m looking forward to the challenge!
I recently joined Pinterest again and came across this posting. I am happy that I have a goal to accomplish and I won’t be doing it alone. Thank you for that information and am looking forward to reading!
I would love to join this group ( a few days late). Thanks
Late start, but here I am, ready to join!
I know that I’m late to this 100 days plan. I have been searching for something and struggling with mental health. I found this plan from Pinterest and when I looked around your website and saw the posts on depression, I started crying. Thank you Candace! I feel like I’ve found what I was searching for!
Bethany, so thankful that the Lord brought you this way. Your message has encouraged me to keep sharing, even when it’s hard. 🙂 I appreciate your comment! And I’m praying for you!!
I will join although I just found this site. I’m thankful and I will utilize the tools here thank you !
I’m in! I’ll have to catch up….