I would have lost heart, unless I had believed
That I would see the goodness of the Lord
In the land of the living.
Wait on the Lord;
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the Lord!
Psalm 27:13-14
How can we not lose heart?
We believe.
How do we believe?
We wait on God alone. We don’t wait for our circumstances to change, we don’t wait for things to get better…we wait on Him. And He will strengthen your heart! Wait on Him today…spend time in His presence…pour out your heart to Him…He will strengthen your heart. Psalm 27:13-14
There are so many things in our world today that can easily take hold of our heart and allow fear to enter in. We lose heart. We don’t see things getting better, they seem to get worse. The loved one you’re praying for is still in rebellion. The crumbling marriage keeps crumbling. The months with no job keep stretching on. The cancer has spread instead of being cured. The difficult child gets more difficult instead of getting better.
It would seem impossible, at times, to not lose heart!
But God’s Word tells us differently. We are not like the world, we are not without hope. We are not without Jesus.
Our joy and our contentment do not come from our circumstances, our joy and deep peace amidst the trials comes from Jesus alone.
Do we really believe that God is working all things for good for those that are called according to His purposes? (Romans 8:28)
Do we really believe that we are MORE than conquerors because of Him who loves us? (Romans 8:37)
Do we really believe that one day He will wipe every tear from our eyes and that death will be no more? (Revelation 21:4)
Some days I have to give myself a good, stern talking to. You see, I don’t always live like I BELIEVE God’s Word. How can God’s Word be active and alive and life changing if I don’t LET it be so in my life?
Oh, it isn’t that I don’t try. It’s just that life takes over, I begin to lose heart…
So, I have to be intentional. I have to fix my eyes on Jesus. I have to let my trust be bigger than my fear. I have to spend TIME in God’s Word. I have to MEMORIZE it. I have to PRAY His Word. I have to SPEAK God’s Word. I have to SPEAK aloud my trust. I have to GROW my faith.
This life we are in is a battle. We must pick up our swords and fight with the truth & love of Christ. Let us not lose heart, friends!
Oh how I needed this today. Thank you. Going through a tough spot that just doesn’t seem to end. Things look better for a few days and then–wham–down we go again. And as this has been going on for a while, I’m starting to get weary. Thank you for the re-focus, the encouragement, and the reminder that God and His word change not. It is there that I need to focus.
Rhoda, I’m so glad these words encouraged your heart too. I am in the middle of the battle right there with you! We need these reminders and to keep preaching the gospel to ourselves! Thanks for stopping by and for commenting. 🙂