What is hospitality? And how is radical hospitality different than just hospitality? What can we glean from the life of Jesus that shows us how to love others? Hospitality is more than a Pinterest-perfect home and a meal fit for kings. Hospitality is more about opening our hearts than opening our homes. We can find hospitality in the grocery store line. We can find hospitality at the bedside of a sick one. We can find hospitality in a jail cell. Hospitality is the heartbeat of our faith as believers. When we show love – true and unconditional love – to those that God brings our way, that is hospitality.
Radical Hospitality Book Discussion
As I worked on this 31 day series of prayers for our HOMES along with the book discussion on Radical Hospitality, I came across so many wonderful resources, quotes and blog posts that I wanted to share with you in a whole new post!
It is my hope that each of us can learn and grow in this area…continuing to open our homes and hearts to others and growing daily in how we love others as Jesus loves us.
Blog Posts on Hospitality
That Scary Hospitality Thing “Instead, shove aside your Martha Stewart imagination and resolve this one thing: Offer hospitality without a side of sin. Offer gracious hospitality. Offer grace-filled hospitality.”
3 Secrets to Radical Hospitality “People don’t need a perfect guest room or a guest room at all. They just need you. The you that is comfortable enough in her own skin to offer herself to others. The you that is not afraid to be vulnerable. The you that will leave the to-do list undone in order to sit face and face and share your life and your stories. ”
What People Really Need From You “And if we will open our hearts to others, we will never be the same—–because true hospitality is transforming.”
6 Tips for Hospitality Even If It’s Not Your Thing “Forget trying to impress. This one was the hardest thing for me to let go (how’s that for honesty?). I want people to think well of us. To think well of me. Sigh. But you know what I’ve noticed? People always seem to remember the fellowship – and not the food or how well I’ve dusted (thankfully).”
Biblical Hospitality Defined “Hospitality is not about showing off your house, your decorating skills, or your cooking abilities. It is not just having friends over to play games {although that can be an element of it}. It is not about you or your possessions – Hospitality is about God and how he uses you and your possessions to serve those you come into contact with – both friends and strangers, both believers and unbelievers.”
Honest Hospitality “Honest hospitality is a balance of putting our best efforts forward to bless our guests, all the while, being authentic, and as simple and difficult as it sounds, putting others before ourselves.”
She Reads Truth Hospitality Series “In Jesus we see that hospitality begins in the heart.”
The Practice of Hospitality “It is an offering of our time and company to others. It is a way for us to show our friends and family we care. It is a way to reach out to those in need of friendship and it is a way to beckon others to come to Christ – not through our words, but by our actions.”
How to Invite People Over When You Live In Your House and It Shows “How do you invite people over when it’s not finished, fancy or perfect? You simply say…Come Anyway.”
Favorite Books on Hospitality
- 31 Days to a Heart of Hospitality from Edie Wadsworth (when you subscribe to her blog, you will receive her ebook free! It will show up on her Grace Page which is for subscribers. HIGHLY recommended!)
- Bread and Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table with Recipes
- The Hidden Art of Homemaking
- The Nesting Place: It Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect to Be Beautiful
- A Meal with Jesus: Discovering Grace, Community, and Mission around the Table (Re:Lit)
- Radical Hospitality: Benedict’s Way of Love: Benedict’s Way of Love, 2nd Edition
- Reaching Out: The Three Movements of the Spiritual Life
by Henri Nouwen
Shauna Niequist talk on hospitality at Allume 2014
Talks & Resources from a Radical Hospitality Course
Radical Hospitality for the Rest of Us — such a great video telling 7 characteristics of radically hospitable churches!
31 Days of Book Discussion on Radical Hospitality
Be sure to click back through the posts in this series if you are reading this book! There is a quote and discussion questions on each of the 31 days of posts. Even if you’re chiming in late, I would love to hear your thoughts!
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