Do you know the story of Esther from the Bible? Oh, I hope you’ve shared this amazing story and hero of the faith with your children!! Esther is not a long book of the Bible, I encourage you to read through it yourself and with your kids!
Our family studied Queen Esther over a year ago and we LOVED this book that Jim Baumgardner wrote called Esther Queen of Persia: A Courageous Woman for a Dangerous Time! I’m thrilled to be able to GIVE AWAY a copy of this book to one of your families!
I love reading books with my kids that give us a deeper glance into the people and places of the Bible! These historical fiction type books, I remind my children, are not facts taken from the Bible. These stories are written, generally, to help our imaginations a little bit. The authors study the time period and find facts about this time period that could and did happen…and they weave those into a story for us to read!
One of the greatest truths we can take from the story of Esther is in verse 4:14. I love reminding myself and my children that we were created and born FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS. We may think times are hard, we may think that our culture is so far from God…and these things may be true. But we were BORN for this. God has not given us a spirit of fear, we were born when we were born for a purpose! And God is not finished with us yet.
About the author: Born in Wichita, Kansas, Jim Baumgardner grew up in a Christian home. Around age ten he began writing poems and songs. After reading some of Jim’s work, his father encouraged him to continue his writing. At nineteen he had his first article printed in a magazine. Forty years later at age fifty-nine his first novel, award-winning Sarah’s Wish, was published.
I have more exciting news! Jim also has a BRAND NEW book out on RUTH!!! Another amazing woman from the Bible! I just received this one in the mail, so I haven’t read it yet, but I’m eager to dive in to Ruth – Woman of Valor: A Virtuous Woman in an Immoral Land.
Give Away for Esther Book
Update: This give away is now closed! Lexi, you are the winner! Congrats!
Disclaimer: For our family, these books and movies have added to our learning and made for very interesting conversations. However, each family must decide for themselves what their kids are ready for and how much you want to share with them. There are some adult situations in this book that may not be appropriate for young children.
I would love this book because I want to leaen more in depth about the women in the Bible.. they do amazing things! I shared on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest
How blessed you are that you may give a way a book like that. I love the book of Esther. I’ve seen a movie about her Life.
Such a strong lady.
Be Blessed xxx
The story of Queen Esther is such an encouraging story. I would love to win it so that I could be encouraged again by her faithfulness!
We love to see movies about and read books together about believers both current-day, and Biblical. And we LOVE the story of Esther, wicked Haman, King Xerxes, and righteous Mordecai. We also adore stories about Israel and her history. Sounds like a great book…and that it would be a fabulous addition to family read-aloud time!
We would love to read a bookabout Esther
Hello, I would really love this book.It would be very encouraging to me as a woman that I am .We can always use some good encouragement from the Bible reading verses and events especially for us women.
I love the story of Esther. I would love this book! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love this book because I’ve been looking for something that my oldest daughter and I could do together – something like a simple Bible study. This sounds like it would be great for us to read together and discuss as mom-daughter time.
Lexi, you’re the winner! Yay!!! I’m going to email you to get your info.
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My Daughters and I would love to read this and study Esther together. Thanks for the opportunity.
I shared on Facebook.
I have four daughters who would love to read this book!