As moms, our hearts need little bits of encouragement throughout our days! We must never replace the importance of God’s Word in our lives, and these suggestions are not intended to be a replacement at all. These suggestions are simply to give you ideas of books to reach for if you miraculously get 2 minutes in the bathroom by yourself, or while you’re waiting in the carpool line, or while you’re in the kitchen stirring the recipe that needs stirring for 10 minutes. These books I’ve listed below have encouraged my heart and so I want to recommend them as some of the best devotionals for moms.
Best Devotionals for Moms
The Songs of Jesus: A Year of Daily Devotions in the Psalms – this is a brand new devotional written by Tim Keller along with his wife Kathy. I love the Psalms and Tim Keller is also becoming one of my new favorite authors. If you enjoy praying God’ Word and/or the Psalms, you will love this one!
New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional
– this is another relatively new devotional that came out last year. We all need to be reminded of the gospel, every single morning. This devotional will point you to Jesus with every single entry. My heart needs these reminders!
My Utmost for His Highest
– a classic! My grandmother gave me this devotional when I was in high school. Last year I picked it up again and was so blessed. Oswald Chamber’s writing is just amazing. If you’ve never picked up this classic, I highly recommend it.
Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence
– A long time favorite of mine. Sarah Young takes the Word of God and turns them into prayers. I have seen much debate over this book, but I still love it because when I read it, I fully acknowledge that I am not reading the Word of God. I am reading the words of another believer. I have not seen a problem with this devotional, because like every.single.thing we pick up to read, we should be Bereans and we should always keep the Word of God FIRST and foremost. Any devotional needs to be read with the same care and not ever placed above the Bible in order of importance!
One Thousand Gifts Devotional: Reflections on Finding Everyday Graces – I love Ann Voskamp’s writing as well. If you need the reminder to look around and CHOOSE gratitude and CHOOSE joy, you will love this one too.
Praying God’s Word Day by Day
– Of course, any devotional where we pray God’s Word back to Him is a win for me! Love these very short devotions that you can read in just a minute or two for a quick reminder of God’s love and His presence in your daily grind.
Sure Mercies: Hope for the Suffering
– this is a new-to-me devotional that I am excited to share with you!! Suffering is a part of all our lives. Just like missionaries, martyrs and the believers in the New Testament had hardship, so will we. We need encouragement and reminders of the SURE mercies of the Lord, and this devotional gives you just that! Each one of these 40 entries is about a different hero of the faith, their suffering, and how they turned to God’s Word through it all. Please check out the author’s blog, too!
Wait Only Upon God: 40 Days of Praying the Scriptures in the Waiting
– I can’t have a post on devotionals without mentioning this little piece of my heart in written form! If you find yourself in a period of waiting, I encourage you to grab this 40 day devotional. (You can get the ebook format for cheaper if you don’t want a hard copy!) Learning to wait ON GOD, and not on our circumstances to change has been so good for my heart. How many times have we waited on THINGS or PEOPLE or CIRCUMSTANCES to change? But are we truly learning to wait ONLY upon God?
Hope for the Weary Mom Devotional: A 40-Day Journey – this 40 day devotional is releasing January 1, 2016, but you can pre-order it now! I am blessed to be reading a pre-release copy of this book and it came at the perfect time for me! It’s been a rough year, as y’all know. So much good, but so much hard. I needed the reminder that in Christ we always have HOPE. I would highly recommend this one when it comes out!
Every Day with Jesus Daily Bible – this came highly recommended to me and I am going to begin it in January! There are short devotions to follow each day’s Bible reading. This plan has you reading the Bible in 1 year.
Keep a Quiet Heart – Elisabeth Elliot is one of my all time favorite authors. And these little nuggets of wisdom are not to be missed.
Come Away My Beloved – Frances J. Roberts is also a new author to me. I have really enjoyed these short daily readings where we are invited to “come away” with our Heavenly Father for a few short minutes of rest.
Devotional Give Away
This give away is now closed.
I also live my utmost for His highest:) I sooooo loved this very timely post! As a new homeschooling mom of three little I feel so lost most days. Thanks!
My favorite devotional is Charles Spurgeons’s Morning and Evening.
Love some of these that you mentioned. Some of them are new to me. New Morning Mercies is my current favorite.
Just discovered your blog tonight. I’m super excited to read more over the next few days!!
Not a daily reading type of devotional, but my all time favorite little devotional is Steps to Christ, by Ellen G. White. I love my paper copy, but it is free online as well! 😊
I have a lot of favorite devotionals, some of these I have just heard of. I really like devotionals for new moms.
New Morning Mercies has been on my wishlist for quite a while…. currently I don’t have a favorite devotional, though a favorite I’ve used in the past is Chuck Swindoll’s “The Finishing Touch”.
You know, I’ve not done a lot of devotional a because I usually have a bible study I’m working on in my quiet time. I do remember going through Chuck Swivdoll’s Seasons book in college. 🙂
One Thousand Gifts is one of my favorites. It also has a video study available that is very encouraging.
I have really enjoyed Jesus Calling this year.
I enjoy The Journey Devotionals. Thank you for this list.
Jesus Calling has been a favorite for me for several years.
Thank you for this list! I’m excited to add a few of these to my Christmas list!
Elisabeth Elliot is a great author.
Thanks for the giveaway and the suggestions!
Those are great devotional suggestions. Right now I am reading Ann Spangler’s The One Year Devotions for Women and Powerful Moments in the Presence of God by Lrraine Marie Varela (love this one).
My utmost for the highest
Not sure I really have a favorite devotional, but I do like the She Reads app.
I don’t have a “devotional” book that I use, I just use my Bible to spend time with Jesus. But I would love to have a devotional book like this to help me to focus and understand a little bit more. Thank you for the great giveaway!!
Streams in the Desert, She Reads Truth and the Divine Hours.
“My Utmost” has bee a favorite for many years. I look forward to checking out the “Songs of Jesus”. Thank you for sharing these.
I enjoy just reading from God’s Word. I just pick a chapter or two to read and meditate on 🙂
One Thousand Gifts
I liked Every Day with Jesus Daily Bible the best!
Elisabeth Elliott is one of my favorite authors, too! Also, I often go back to My a Utmost for His Highest- the thoughts in those readings are so challenging yet encouraging.
Thanks for a great list of devotionals. Love Paul Tripp’s books.
I absolutely love “The 365 Most Important Bible Passages for Mothers”! The readings are quite short, but the wisdom is long lasting. I can’t wait to look into the devotionals you’ve suggested. Thanks for the inspiration!
I love My Utmost for His Highest.
The devotional that I like right now is Nancy Campbell’s “100 Days of Blessings for Wives and Mothers”.
I don’t have a favorite devotional, but I love the Psalms and would enjoy this book.
My favorite devotional this year has been “A Disciple’s Notebook,” by Jerald R. White Jr. My copy is spiral bound and it has been very inspiring. I also think this list you have put together is wonderful. Thank you!
I enjoy Elizabeth Elliot and Martha Peace studies 🙂
I’ve enjoyed Jesus Calling
I don’t have a daily devotion that I use. I like the read through the bible in a year to read everyday but would love to have a daily devotional to use as well.
My upmost for his highest
I dont have a favorite yet! I am new to my faith,and just starting:)
I really like the Jesus Calling devotional, and am looking forward to receiving my pre-ordered copy of the Hope For the Weary Mom devo!!
My coworker bought me Jesus Calling earlier this year. Every day speaks right to my situation of grieving my husband who passed 9 months ago, teaching a challenging Kindergarten class, and getting distracted by trivial things.
I have tried many devotionals and have not found one I really like.
Currently reading Jesus Calling & enjoying it. Feel like it’s always applicable!
I like to read Beth Moore’s devotional books!
I love Oswald Chambers, too, and have thought of getting this for Lauren. I also had it in high school!
I would love to win these, I could really use them with a new born and a 20 month old son in the house!
Thank you for hosting giveaways. It’s very generous of you.
I love devotionals . Beth Moore’s are my favorites
I started reading New Morning Mercies about two weeks ago and am so incredibly in love with it. Always lifts my spirit when I am down!