I’ve chosen a word for this year that kind of scares me a little bit. What about you? Do you choose a word of the year? This book, My One Word, will really help you throughout the coming year if you do choose a word!
My word for 2016: FEARLESS.
{You can scroll through ALL my “word of the year” posts from years past by clicking here! Past words: confidence, purposeful, abide, contentment, faith, rest, compassion. Wow! Can this really be the 8th year I’ve chosen a word or focus for the year?}
Whatever your word may be, I want to share a little bit of encouragement with you. Sometimes choosing goals or resolutions or even just one little word can feel a little bit crazy. Maybe even hopeless.
Who am I to think God will do something new in me?
If you’re anything like me, the same struggles plague you, year in and year out. Sometimes I wonder if my weaknesses and fleshly tendencies are actually getting worse and not better. I look inside my own heart and see selfishness and pride.
But, you know what? Sometimes when I look too much on the inside of my own heart and not enough at the Holy Spirit who is ALSO LIVING INSIDE OF ME, I see the muddled weight of humanity that seeks to crush me.
But, God.
I must lift my eyes and fix them on JESUS, the author and perfecter of my faith. HE ALONE is my HOPE. HE ALONE is my strength. He alone is my peace. My joy. My all. The perfect, blameless righteousness of Christ is now mine. Because of the blood of Jesus, God looks at me as flawless. Sometimes I need to remind myself of what is mine in Christ.
Every morning His mercies are new. Every morning is a fresh start. Every morning, the weight of our own sin seeks to crush us. But every morning, the Lord is waiting to carry our load. Sometimes we must turn it over. And do it again the next day. Even the next moment.
Friends, in Christ we are a NEW CREATION. Let us WALK in the freedom of the Spirit.
Fearless in 2016
In Jesus’ Name I will stop fearing what others think and live out what God is calling me to…
In Jesus’ Name I will not fear disappointing others and put my faith and reverential FEAR in the One True LIVING God who loves me unconditionally.
In Jesus’ Name I will love my family and my children unconditionally and not fear that I am failing them or their futures. My children are in God’s Hands…and are much safer there than in my own.
Who is with me?
{This encouragement from Ann Voskamp was just what my heart needed.}
No Longer Slaves
Have you ever listened to a song and wondered if they wrote it just for you? That’s what happened when I heard this song. I want the words of this song to be my testimony so badly!
I am NO LONGER a slave to fear…I am a child of God!
Travis Ryan was our Worship Pastor when we lived in TN. Please listen to his song Fearless. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s6y2InrPf10
He has an album by the same name, if you’re interested.
Oh my goodness! I love it! Thank you so much for sharing! I’m going to share that with our worship pastor too. 🙂