Motherhood: the hardest, most difficult – and rewarding – job I will ever have.
You all know that books play a huge role in my life. Books become like best friends: offering advice and encouragement. The Holy Spirit has used authors to speak truth into my life. I’ve read so many books over the years on motherhood, yet there is one author who always brings me back to the humble and sacrificial calling to love like Jesus in my home.
I wanted to share a few of my favorite quotes from these books that have so influenced my mother’s heart. Grab a cup of coffee or hot tea and spend some time reading through my favorite quotes. Let your heart be encouraged, sweet mama!
The Author Who Has Most Influenced My Motherhood
Sally Clarkson is the author I’m sharing with you today. Every single book I’ve read of hers has encouraged my mother’s heart in so many ways.
“He allowed Peter to fail spectacularly so he would finally understand that grace was the key to serving God and his kingdom. Not by his own strength and courage, but only by God’s constant grace and mercy would Peter be able to deliver Jesus’ message to the world – a message that would then be wrapped in the grace and mercy he had come to know so well.” from The Ministry of Motherhood
“In all of this, however, I must acknowledge, as Peter learned, that it’s not all up to me. The Author of grace will himself draw my children to him, even as he did Peter, as I rest in his ability to work through the life of my family. Perfection is not a standard he requires of me as a mother, for the grace extends to me as well as to my children.” from The Ministry of Motherhood
The Ministry of Motherhood: Following Christ’s Example in Reaching the Hearts of Our Children
“Each of us has a story, but God, who originated the design of motherhood, is the expert advisor to whom we should turn. God has equipped us for every good work, and I am quite confident that He who designed this role to be so eternally significant is the one who is ready to help, support, instruct and guide. He will provide all we need for the task He has given us to fulfill. But to hear form God we must become women of the Word and women who pray, so that His voice may lead us as we grow into this role with grace.” from Desperate
“And so I commission you, as you walk forward into your life as a mother, to look inside yourself and examine your heart attitude. We live in a fallen world, and there will be challenges and problems. Jesus said, ‘In the world you have tribulation.’ He never promised that this world would be our heaven, or that we could ever make it so – after all, He was crucified here. However, there is a good ending to the story, knowing that Jesus told us to ‘take courage, for I have overcome the world.'” (John 16:33) from Desperate
Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe
“What does it mean to live a life that is shaped by constant thanks? ‘In everything give thanks.’ It is one of those Bible verses that we hear but do not necessarily heed because it seems impossible. Right before it comes ‘Rejoice always and pray without ceasing,’ verses using absolute words of command. Always. Everything. Why is the giving thanks so central to the Christian life, and why is it truly one of the most vital habits you can give your child? Because at heart, gratitude is a constant remembrance of God; His presence with us, His goodness, His beauty as it plays through creation.” from 10 Gifts of Wisdom
10 Gifts of Wisdom: What Every Child Must Know Before They Leave Home
“Each of us has a long road we must walk as a mother. The road is extensive and fraught with adventure, joy, obstacles, dangers and distractions. How we walk the journey, though, will determine our success as mothers. As I contemplated what this meant to me, I realized the significance of this whole concept of “walking” with God as a mom. No one will have exactly the same walk or journey.” from The Mom Walk
The Mom Walk
“Will we live for God’s Kingdom or will we live for ourselves?” from Own Your Life
“The desert years, in fact, had become the biggest blessings of my life.” from Own Your Life
“…heroes are made in the secret moments.” from Own Your Life
“Busyness falsely promises productivity.” from Own Your Life
Own Your Life: Living with Deep Intention, Bold Faith, and Generous Love
Sally Clarkson also has other books that I haven’t read. Yet. I’ve had them all on my list…so many great books, so little time! 🙂 But I know that ANYTHING she has written will bless and encourage your heart. Be sure to check out her blog as well as the podcast she posts weekly on this blog. (Podcasts can be found on iTunes as well.) I love hearing wisdom from women who have walked this motherhood journey before me and I’m so thankful for women, like Sally, who pour into the younger generation by sharing what they have learned along the way.
Brand New Book by Sally Clarkson
Finally, I want to share this BRAND NEW book that releases February 2nd! When I read the description of this book, I find my heart longing for these same things to happen in my own home.
Book Description: Does your home sometimes feel like just a place to eat, sleep, and change clothes on the way to the next activity? Do you long for “home” to mean more than a place where you stash your stuff? Wouldn’t you love it to become a haven of warmth, rest, and joy . . . the one place where you and your family can’t wait to be?
There is good news waiting for you in the pages of The Lifegiving Home. Every day of your family’s life can be as special and important to you as it already is to God. In this unique book designed to help your family enjoy and celebrate every month of the year together, you’ll discover the secrets of a life-giving home from a mother who created one and her daughter who was raised in it: popular authors Sally and Sarah Clarkson. Together they offer a rich treasure of wise advice, spiritual principles, and practical suggestions. You’ll embark on a new path to creating special memories for your children; establishing home-building and God-centered traditions; and cultivating an environment in which your family will flourish.
The Lifegiving Home: Creating a Place of Belonging and Becoming
What is your favorite book to read on motherhood?
When I saw the title of your blog post, I was really hoping you would have said Sally. I agree wholeheartedly about her influence and how much God has used her to bless so many other women. I love to see her wisdom being shared with the masses. Thanks!
Amy — that is so cool that you thought of her before you read the post! 🙂 Such wisdom and encouragement to JOYFULLY serve my family…to set aside my selfish desires…all things I need to be reminded of often!!
I got to hear Sally Clarkson speak at Teach Them Diligently conference in 2013. I had heard of her for a long time, but never read any of her books. I was shocked at how relatable and funny she is! She’s definitely gifted by the Lord for encouragement and has more than “fluff” to say.
Thanks for the sharing the encouragement. I’ve never read any of these books, which would you recommend I begin with? I’ve been so thankful to find your blog and a few others as we’ve begun our homeschooling journey this year with three littles (7, 5, and 2).
Laura — oh it’s so hard to choose! 🙂 I would say at your stage possibly the Ministry of Motherhood! One of my very very favorites that has encouraged me at every stage of mothering.
Thanks for sharing these wonderful resources. Love the Clarksons!
These all look like fabulous books! A couple of them are already in my reading queue. Thanks for the recommendations!
What an amazing book list!
I love Sally too and Own Your Life is the bomb dot com.
I love Sally! And her new book is a life changer for sure!
Just saw this. Thanks for such a generous article. I am honored–in case you ever see this. 🙂