I grew up on hymns, as I’m sure many of you did. My church now is pretty contemporary and I LOVE our worship. But, sometimes, I do miss some of the hymns!
So, when one of my favorite artists comes out with a gorgeous, quiet, full-of-beautiful-harmonies album of HYMNS, I bought it right away.
Are you familiar with Audrey Assad’s music? I have loved all of her albums. Truly some of my favorite music.
I thought I would pop on here and ask WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE HYMN LYRICS?
Great is Thy Faithfulness…
Be Thou My Vision…
Be Still, My Soul…
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound…
Free Printable
Remember my hymn cards in the shop? I decided to make 1 of them FREE for this post to help inspire a love for hymns!
This is a hymn that is one of my all time favorites. It serves as a PRAYER as well. Hang this on your mirror, frame it, hang it above your kitchen sink and ask the Lord to be your vision every time you see it.
Click on the graphic or the link below to download your PDF and print it out! (Print and cut out to fit your frame.)
Be Thou My Vision Hymn Card PDF
Audrey Assad Music
Listen to these new songs from her album — shouldn’t this first song be the theme song for my blog?? LOVE IT!!!!
Give Away
I’m excited to share 1 copy of the Inheritance CD with one of you!!
Please use the rafflecopter to enter this give away!
{Please note: this post is not meant to stir controversy. As a musician and worshiper, I love many kinds of music and often find the words lead me to worship my Father regardless of the style of music that goes with them.}
My favorite hymn(hard to choose) is ‘Amazing Grace’, ‘It is Well With My Soul’, ‘How Great Thou Art’. thx
Ok, that’s like being asked to pick your favorite child. Today I’d have to go with How Great Thou Art.
Thank you for posting! I was not familiar with Audrey Assad but after a brief listen I can tell her music will now be on my playlist constantly. Favorite hymn… Hard to choose… It is Well with my Soul. All the verses!
My all time favorite is an old hymn, “Be Thou My Vision”
I love soooooo many hymns and sing them often throughout my day. My favorite is How Firm a Foundation, due to a particular time/situation in my life. But others near and dear are Be Thou My Vision, Christ the Lord Is Risen Today, Oh How I Love Jesus, Keeps Me Singing, Amazing Grace, Immortal Invisible, Praise to the Lord the Almighty, A Mighty Fortress, and so forth. 🙂
amazing grace is my favorite
Be Thou My Vision and I Surrender All are a couple of my favorite hymns.
I love hymns! Amazing Grace, Standing on Holy Ground, sooooo many to chose from but these two are among my favorites.
Hard to choose just one! The lyrics of The Love of God are amazing and beautiful, so I’ll go with that one (for today 😉 )
I love It Is Well With My Soul
My favorite is From the Depths of Woe (Psalm 130).
Ubi Caritas is our whole family’s favorite, but we love every hymn! Thanks for this blog and thank you to the gifted Audrey Assad for sharing her Love of our Lord Jesus!!!
Come thou fount
I have a hymn book from the church in which I grew up. There are so many dog-eared pages marking my favorites. I love Standing on Holy Ground, I’ll Fly Away, What a Friend We Have in Jesus….
I love so many hymns, but one of my favorites is How Great Thou Art. I’m also a big fan of many of the Easter and Christmas hymns.
I sing Amazing Grace to my girls every night before bed 🙂 There’s just something about a hymn that hmgives me goosebumps. Love them
It is a toss up between Come Thou Fount, and Be Thou My Vision.
Thank you for sharing Audrey Assad. I hadn’t heard her before. 😊
I have always loved Amazing Grace and It Is Well With My Soul.
I love hymns and have many favorites — but my #1 is probably Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee
O Come O Come Emmanuel
There are so many hymns that I love, but Be Thou My Vision is definitely one my utmost favorites.
Holy,Holy,Holy is my favorite.
How Great Thou Art
My favorite hymns are Great is thy Faithfulness (which we sang at church yesterday) and It is well with my Soul.
My favorite hymn is Amazing Grace!
My favorite hymn is To God be the Glory!!
My favorite hymn would depend on the day of the week and even the time of the day. I love so many of them and remember listening to my dad sing while he worked in his garden or rocked one of his grandsons. I’d feel dishonest to name just one. I am definitely going to get this CD if I don’t win it. Beautiful!
How Great Thou Art
Beautiful post. I love contemporary worship music, but hymns just hit a chord in my heart. I think my favourite ones are Come Thou Fount and It is Well.
It’s hard to pick just one favorite hymn but I just love to sing It Is Well With My Soul! I love Amazing Grace too though, my mother was always signing it around the house.
I love “Be thou my vision”!
Our church sings hymns, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
A favorite hymn, oh my. Like most here, that appears to be a challenge & so I really thought about it. I have to say though the invitational hymn “Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy” would have to rank at the top. It is one that changed my Dad’s life forever, which ended up having like a domino effect on the family.
He was sitting in church & came to a simple sentence “If you tarry till you’re better, You will never come at all.” & he said that hit him because that was what he was planning on doing, waiting. He went to the altar that day & boy did he get altered. I have more memories of him in church than the drunk he was!!! Thank you Lord!
How great Thou art
My all-time favorite (currently) is May the Mind of Christ My Savior.
In Christ Alone is one of my favorites.
I have 2 favorite hymns. I Surrender All and Amazing Grace.
I love “Amazing Grace”.
My favorite hymn is Be Thou My Vision. :o)
Off the top of my head, I’m drawing a blank on so many, but I do really like “It Is Well.”