“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” Colossians 3:1-4
Right now I have a dear friend who is going through the trial of a lifetime…what will be, I’m sure, the hardest thing she will ever face here on earth. As I watch her, I’m overcome with grief for her, with her.
Somewhere one of you is suffering a great loss. The grief is so thick you can touch it.
One of you is in a season of waiting that feels torturous. You can’t see what tomorrow holds, but you’re almost scared to look.
All around the world loved ones are watching their beloved family members fade from this life to the next. Sometimes pure agony is all they see day in and day out.
When we keep our eyes on the trial, we miss the glory.
We we look all around us at the chaos and evil in the world, we miss the God who is sovereign over all.
When we look at the devastation for too long, we don’t see the seemingly small God-ordained moments.
Because, you see, even though there are trials, chaos, evil and devastation around us, our God remains on His throne. Our God remains sovereign over all. Our God is not overwhelmed or surprised by the suffering we find ourselves in.
We must set our hearts on things above, not on earthy things. We must fix our eyes on Jesus, not the problem. We must turn our hearts toward heaven, not the evil.
So, for today, let us be thankful in each moment for a faithful God. Let us choose joy over regret. Let us choose gratitude over complaining.
And even when the sorrow is real and the hurt is immense, let use see Jesus, high and lifted up, yet humbling Himself and offering Himself for us. His cross bought our freedom.
He will make beautiful things, even out of us.
More Scriptures & Encouragement for the Brokenhearted
- 31 Verses for Battling Our Fears
- 10 Verses for the Desperate Mama
- Psalm 34 for the Brokenhearted
- When You Need God to Be Your Help
Thank you. My husband and I are in a difficult season of waiting and it can be very wearying. Good reminders.
Beth, waiting is among the hardest things we do on this earth!! Saying a prayer for you now…
Great post, wow that video!
I just found your site. Just as usual with God, I found it right on time. Love your heart and gained more strength for my journey.
My mother passed away one month ago today. Up until the last few days, I was consumed with being distraught. I still miss her like crazy, but I’ve learned that I have to look up during these times. Your post is spot on for me right now.