Fresh out of amazing. I feel that way pretty much on a regular basis. What about you?
When I saw the title of this latest book, I knew I had to read it.
Fresh Out of Amazing is written by an online friend of mine, Stacey Thacker. You will love Stacey. She writes about living a life of fresh out of amazing and how Jesus met her there.
And He will meet you, too, friend!
“Often our breaking point births a bigger story…” from chapter 4 of Fresh Out of Amazing.
Raise your hand if you’ve seen evidence of that in your own life? I have to take a moment and share from my own personal history how God has shown Himself faithful in this way.
When I started this blog is was a homeschool journal of sorts. (Please don’t go back and try to read the very first posts on this blog. Kind of funny now, I guess.)
However, one day, God nudged me to share a piece of my story that I was pretty nervous about. He asked me to share about my struggles with depression. Even still in the midst of my struggles I began telling you what it was like, I posted on my bad days, I shared about my mommy failures.
And guess what?
From my vulnerability God birthed a ministry. I can’t even begin to count the number of you that sent me private messages and emails. You thanked me for sharing my story because it gave you the courage to share yours. You thanked me for sharing my bad days because it helped you to know that you aren’t alone. You thanked me for being courageous and sharing the bad as well as the good.
And sweet friends, I’m blown away. I had no idea. I never saw it coming.
From that point, several years ago, God has shown Himself faithful time and time again. And He will show His faithfulness to you, too, dear ones.
Aren’t you thankful that God lingers with the broken?
Friends, if reading the title alone of this book: Fresh Out of Amazing, makes your heart pound, this book is for you. If you can’t remember the last time you didn’t feel like fresh out of amazing, this book is for you.
Inside the pages of this book you will find hope. And we all need hope.
He can take YOUR fresh out of amazing and turn ashes to beauty. He will use your pain for His glory. “God does not waste our fresh-out-of-amazing years. If we allow him, he uses that season of our life to refine us and prepare us for the greater works he will call us to down the road.”
Wherever you are, Jesus sees you. He knows your heart. He knows your pain. He understands our fresh-out-of-amazing. The awesome thing is that He will even meet us in the middle of it.
“Growth doesn’t just happen at Disney World; it happens in the hard places of our lives.”
Yes. Yes. Yes.
To all my fresh-out-of-amazing friends, know that you aren’t alone. I am right there with you. Together we can fight back the enemy and allow God to use our brokenness for His glory and not let it turn to bitterness. For His glory we can proclaim to the world that good news that Jesus saves. For His glory we can let others into our broken places for their healing…and for ours.
“From my vulnerability God birthed a ministry. I can’t even begin to count the number of you that sent me private messages and emails. You thanked me for sharing my story because it gave you the courage to share yours. You thanked me for sharing my bad days because it helped you to know that you aren’t alone. You thanked me for being courageous and sharing the bad as well as the good.
And sweet friends, I’m blown away. I had no idea. I never saw it coming.
From that point, several years ago, God has shown Himself faithful time and time again. And He will show His faithfulness to you, too, dear ones.”
Oh my word! I love this so much! Thank you Candace for sharing your heart and your kind words about the book!
Cheering you on friend!