When I finish an amazing book I just feel compelled to share it with you. Right now I’m in the middle of SEVERAl really wonderful books…so here we are!
All The Pretty Things – The memoir that will break your heart and heal it all at once. So, I’ve mentioned this book a few times. Gave away a few copies. Am still reeling from this story. I wish I could buy each of you a copy. I really, really do. I wrote more about this book here.
Uninvited – The subtitle of this book will surely grab nearly every one of the females in this world! “Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out and Lonely. Whew. I’m underinglining so.many.things.
Falling Free – oh this book! Shannan’s writing is beautiful. Yet, this is a hard one. I would suggest not picking this book up if you don’t want to be convicted. 😉 Falling Free charts one family’s pilgrimage from the self-focused wisdom of the world to the topsy-turvy life of God’s more being found in less. Martin’s practical, sweetly subversive book invites us to rethink assumptions about faith and the good life, push past insecurity and fear, and look beyond comfortable, middle-class Christianity toward a deeper, richer, and ultimately more fulfilling life.
Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World – this book is also a tough read. We don’t even realize how much our culture is engrained in us. We don’t even think about how normal it seems for our kids to have all the material things they have. Yet, even just a few short years ago, none of what we have now was normal. How do we live in this materialistic world and raise grateful kids? This book isn’t a formula, I don’t like those. 🙂 However, this book is very eye opening and will help you to think about parenting and things we do that aren’t necessarily helping our kids to live grateful lives. This book is written by a mom in the trenches with all the rest of us.
Do You Know That You’re Already Amazing? – I love books that help us to do battle with the lies we believe about ourselves. There are 30 devotions in this book and each one discusses a different lie we believe and the truth we need to remember instead. I’m reading through some of these with my teen girls right now.
These books look great! I’m currently doing the Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study, Uninvited. Also, reading Have a Happy Family by Friday by Kevin Lehman.
Thank you for sharing these awesome finds. I feel just as the title says many days:Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely ..think I will give this one a try and see what her perceptions are!
Thanks again.
Several of your picks are already in my to-be-read basket, plus my current journey through Present Over Perfect. This one is focusing the spotlight all over my life.
I’m reading “The Lifegiving Home: Creating a Place of Becoming and Belonging” by Sally and Sarah Clarkson, a mother-daughter team. The back of the book synopsis says this bnok will lead you on a new path to creating special memories for your children; establishing God-centered traditions; and cultivating an environment your family will cherish their whole lives long.
Sally and Sarah help you disvover a path to a lifegiving home from a mother who’s known for creating one and a daughter who was raised in it.