A picture says a thousand words, yes?
How can a picture speak HOPE to our hearts?
That is exactly what this picture says to me: HOPE.
This particular picture (on the left) came up in one of those Facebook memories this week and I gasped. If only you could see all the changes on the inside. If only I could tell you that even more than the weight loss, the way I feel is the very best thing about all these changes I’ve made.
I honestly never thought my 40th year would be the year I felt my best. I thought I was destined to a life of depression, anxiety, always tired, always grumpy, never really feeling good.
It all started with regular & consistent use of essential oils, a few supplements for energy & sleep, and a HUGE mindset change. Add in a dose of “food as medicine,” exercise + strength training and I am literally a new person. God is good. {Here is part 2: a post with all the specific oils, supplements and exercises I do!}
“And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:1-2
His Word tells us to renew our minds, to transform our thinking…which tells me that CHANGE IS POSSIBLE.
He is MAKING YOU NEW. We are not STUCK in our old habits and ways of living.
We can’t give up, friends. We must get up every morning and remind our hearts of His new mercies daily. Yes, we will stumble and fall. Yes, we will mess up and not eat right every single day. Yes, we will miss days and even weeks of exercise. We we will battle discouragement.
It takes work and a MINDSET CHANGE to make changes in our lives. Maybe the changes you seek aren’t weight loss. Maybe you seek changes of other kinds. Maybe you want to be more consistent. Maybe you want to add daily Bible study to your routine. Maybe you need to save money.
Say it with me, “God made me to do hard things. He enables me daily to live by the power of the Holy Spirit. He empowers me to live out this life He has called me to.”
Whatever changes you seek are not going to happen over night and they are not going to be quick fixes.
Change takes time and is hard work.
That does not mean that change is impossible.
But sometimes we just have to DO THE THING. Don’t wait to feel motivated. Get up. Right now. Make one positive change for your life. As you make baby steps, the motivation will grow. This is what I have found to be true in my own life.
Inspiration for Making Change
I have learned and grown so much from the teaching & coaching from my friend, Edie Wadsworth. I highly recommend you go watch (or listen) to any of her videos & podcasts. She is talking about the HOW and WHY of changing things in our lives! She gives practical tips & suggestions as well as encouraging words to inspire us. She also has a coaching program called Life Mentoring School which is life changing. Changing my thoughts has been the biggest factor in change for me!
Part 2 of My Story
I have gotten a lot of questions about EXACTLY what I am doing with my eating, exercise, oils and supplements…that post is here!
Get Started Today
Over the last few months I have now had 4 people come to me out of the blue and say, “Your countenance has changed. You seem different. You seem happy.”
This, my friends, truly feels like a miracle to me. For so long (years) I lived with depression, anxiety, and just in plain old survival mode. But, now that I feel good, I realize how GOOD it feels to actually feel good.
And, I truly want that for you. Maybe your struggle isn’t depression. Maybe your struggle is sleep, stress, sick kids, work, any number of things…but we were made to do more than survive. We were made to THRIVE. And I dare say I believe God gives us abundant life here on earth EVEN IN the trials. Because He gives us Jesus. And because of God’s great love for us, He gives us so many amazing tools & resources to help us thrive.
Friends, I am asking you to join me on this journey to better living and wellness! {And I have a few gifts for you in September if you decide to join me!}
If you want to get started today, you will be added to our Oily Sisterhood group where Dr. Edie leads us and inspires us. You will receive emails and messages from me…and I will begin PRAYING for your journey as well!!
Don’t let essential oils stress you out or overwhelm you. Just start USING THEM. Turn on your diffuser daily. Use the oils topically daily. Multiple oils. Use them. Use them. Use them. They are God’s gift to us…our own MEDICINE CABINET right outside our very doors that we hardly take advantage of. So, the oils in the little bottles do the job since we can’t be outside all day long!
Click here to get started with a starter kit today!
This is everything included in our starter kit! All the most loved oils AND a diffuser with some samples thrown in. The team and sisterhood you will receive by joining our team may be the best part, though. 🙂
Read Part 2 of My Story

Love your post. I have been suffering from vertigo, ear ringing and hearing loss can the oils help me?
Hi Maria! There are several oils that others have used to help with vertigo…natural health is somewhat of a trial and error! It also depends on what may be causing your vertigo. Some oils that can be tried are melrose, frankincense, peppermint. Let me know if you’d like help figuring out how to get started!! Or you can look here MercyIsNew.com/EssentialOils