This time of year brings so many expectations with it. I know this because I keep facing my own expectations day after day. And usually those expectations are met with disappointment.
But, thanks be to God, if we will let Him, the Lord graciously uses those disappointments to remind us of the hope we have in Christ alone. He gently reminds us that He is the Gift. When we are faced with disappointment and unmet expectations, let those point us to The One who will never disappoint. Let our Christmas sadness point us to the eternal HOPE we have in Christ.
Hope was born on Christmas morning. And hope is the reason we can face this earth’s deepest disappointments and even our own failures. We must let the things of this earth fade from our vision by fixing our eyes on the author and perfecter of our faith.
Just think…He is using those unmet expectations and disappointments and failures to write our story…a glorious story with a victorious ending…a story of HOPE and REDEMPTION and ABUNDANT LIFE. Those are the real gifts of Christmas.
No disappointment on earth can compare to the future glory we have as our inheritance as beloved children of God.
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Candace, your words spoke to me and gave encourage to not despair with my disappointments in my life, but to remember that Jesus is more than those disappointments. I believe His is using those disappointments in my life to turn myself more to Him. The things in this world are temporary, but Jesus is eternal. Spending eternity with Him is far more better than anything here on earth. I am praying that my heart, mind, and soul with be fixed on Him rather than the things of this world. I know life has it’s disappointments and life struggles, but I need to remember to give it all to Him and let Him use those disappointments, trails, and struggles and turn them for His glory. If anything your post gives me is remember my hope is in the Lord.
P.S. What word or encourage can you give me about being in a marriage where the two are of different faiths and the other faith doesn’t line up with the Word of God. How does a believer live and be in a marriage where the other hates the truth of the gospel and follows a religion of works verses the gospel of grace?
Hi Valerie! I’m so thankful that you have found encouragement here. I have not been in your situation, but my biggest piece of advice would probably be to PRAY and NOT GIVE UP. I do know that praying for those who have hurt me or who I’ve had bitterness toward has changed my heart and thus my relationship with that person. Just keep praying and allow God to change his heart! Only God can do that anyway!! 🙂
Wonderful Post & great reminders for each of us!
Thank you, Melody! 🙂