Let’s talk about a few things that you don’t see in this picture. I love decorating for Christmas. It has always been one of my favorite things to do all year long. I love my tree. The lights. The meaning. The memories with each ornament.
Just remember as you scroll through these magical photos on Instagram or Facebook that there is a whole world on the other side of that picture that you aren’t seeing.
Mamas with little ones at home, let them help you decorate the tree. Let them touch the ornaments and move them after they go to bed if you must. Because someday you will realize, much much sooner than you ever knew, that decorating the tree isn’t as much fun by yourself. (This post isn’t a guilt trip for my teenagers who are on social media, just my reality. ) I have become that “older mom” saying “but it goes so quickly, embrace the chaos of it all!”
My kids are becoming amazing adults but life will never be the same. Most of our holiday traditions we don’t do anymore. Things change, little ones grow up, the house is quiet a lot, and before you know it the memories of those traditions are only left to ponder in your heart.
I don’t hear many people talk about this life in the middle of growing-up-kids. So I just want you to know, mamas with teens and adults, it’s ok to be sad. It’s ok to grieve the changes. But in the end, don’t let your heart stay there. Remember the chaos and crooked or broken ornaments with gratitude. I’m reminding my heart that the memories that go along with each ornament will always be mine to keep. We can make new memories.
So while I may be sad, I’m so thankful. I’m reminded of my desperate need for that Baby in a manger.
The greatest gift of Christmas is Jesus and He is near to the broken-hearted.
He came for you and me.
That’s why we have Christmas.
Emmanuel: God with us.
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