“Wait only upon God; my soul, be still, and let thy God unfold His perfect will…” Freda Hambury
Waiting on God. It doesn’t sound exciting, does it?
To begin waiting? To continue waiting?
We hate waiting. Waiting in lines. Waiting on our children. Waiting on spouses. Waiting on money to come in. Waiting on test results. Waiting on God with and endless list of desires.
Usually we think of waiting as drudgery.
What if we believed God? What if we placed our hope in Him alone instead of all the other things we are hoping for? What if we truly believed that waiting on God never disappoints? What if we practiced abiding?
The story isn’t over, friends. Let’s look to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith – who for the JOY set before Him, endured the cross.
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