This is me. With my chickens. On a mental health break the other day. LOL!! I can just take a break from whatever I’m doing and go sit in my backyard and have my own little reset.
We all need a reset from time to time. With our thoughts, our homes, our habits, our health and our faith.Fall is a great time to do that as we get back into all our routines! So join me for a FALL RESET in my free Facebook community starting September 26th. We will reset TOGETHER.
It matters what we allow into our minds, our calendars, our homes, our bodies and our souls. Let’s fill them with truth and good things! We will be memorizing a verse together, choosing a new habit to create & discussing ways to fill our minds & homes with truth! Who is ready for a reset?!?! Let’s do it together.
Join my free Facebook community!
Grab the optional printables for the reset workshop!
What to Expect:
We will have FIVE days of content with live videos & posts on the topic gaining a reset in these areas:
- Reset our thoughts
- Reset our health
- Reset our habits
- Reset our homes
- Reset our faith
We will be memorizing a passage of Scripture together and applying this to the various areas of our lives! You will be choosing ONE area or habit or “baby step” to focus on!
The printables are optional but include a calendar of Scriptures to pray for your family, a month of Scriptural affirmations, a habit tracker and more! You can find the packet here!

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