“The helmet of salvation (guarding our MINDS in Christ Jesus) reminds us that spiritual warfare is only temporary, that the day is coming when all struggles will be over and we will inherit our eternal promise of salvation in Christ. At the moment when the battle is raging intensely, we wonder if it will ever subside. We wonder whether we will have the strength to carry on with wisdom and skill into the future. And the answer is, “yes” if we have put on the helmet of salvation.” David Jeremiah
The battlefield of spiritual warfare is in the mind. The believers thoughts are of central importance to victory. (From David Jeremiah’s study Spiritual Warfare: Terms of Engagement)
What are you actively doing to “put on” the armor each day? Specifically the helmet of salvation to renew your thoughts in Christ?
I’ve been fighting a battle with the enemy in my thoughts for so long. I don’t always see it for what it is, but it’s spiritual warfare, and sometimes it takes a friend to see it for you.
But now that I see it for what it is, the battle is on. But what does that look like practically speaking? Well, I’m still learning, but here’s what I know so far.
I must be actively hiding God’s Word in my heart & mind because I can’t trust my own thoughts.
I must learn to choose – in the moment – truth over what “feels” true. Things like anxiety, worry and insecurities are NOT TRUTH. But because I’m such a feeler, in the moment they feel so true and I STAY THERE way too long.
I must practice picking up the shield of faith (putting my faith into action, practicing faith) and the helmet of salvation (guarding my mind in Christ Jesus with truth.)
This is hard. But wars are hard. Hard doesn’t mean bad. Hard means I must totally depend on Christ to empower me, but I must ask and allow and walk in Him. This is active faith, not passive faith.
Taking every thought captive is an ongoing, moment by moment battle. I take two steps forward, and two steps back. But a step is a step and I’m pressing on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 3:14)
Not today, Satan. I can do all things through Christ who is strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13 has become my mantra over the years… not today, Satan. 💜 🙌 🙏
I needed this today! My mind constantly goes to the “what ifs”, and is followed by worry and anxiety. You nailed it when you said, “this is war,” Thank you for the reminder of picking up the shield of faith, and putting on the helmet of salvation! Memorizing God’s Word has been very helpful in the middle of the night when the enemy seeks me at my most vulnerable. I will remind him, “not tonight Satan!”
Thank you for your encouragement, wisdom, and blessing!
The battle really is in the mind. It is so important to remember that and not let circumstances or thoughts contrary to what His word says be what governs us. Thank you, Candace. ❤️