Did you catch that last part? HE will fulfill it. He will do it. He will carry out HIS purpose and plan for my life. He will FINISH the GOOD WORK He started in me. It’s not up to me. Praise God.
The word surrender has been on my mind and heart for some time now.
For me, in a season of struggle, surrender looks like a deeper trust in HIS PLAN. Trusting that it’s good. That He is good.
Surrender means I’m willing to let go of my expectations of what I thought things would look like. Accepting what is. Finding gratitude for what is.
Surrender looks like an open handed prayer that says, “not my will but Yours, Lord…”
Surrender means walking by faith and not by sight.
Surrender means letting go of what I only thought I had control of.
Surrender means letting others think what they will of me. And not growing bitter.
Surrender means forgiveness with no apology, loving without expectations, and letting go of all that hinders my faith walk.
And then, in the quiet moments of surrender, He is at work fulfilling His purpose. His good purpose.
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