There are two kinds of people in this world: grateful and ungrateful. Worshipers and whiners. – from Choosing Gratitude by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Which do you want to be? Do you think that we truly have the choice to make?
I am learning how much gratitude impacts my joy, my peace, my contentment…my life. I recently finished the book The Happiness Dare and this book was so encouraging for me in learning how to CHOOSE joy and happiness. Training my heart and mind to CHOOSE and CULTIVATE gratitude is something I’m praying for God to do in me!
Join me, starting on October 1st, as we seek to be intentional about cultivating the fruit of gratitude this month. Join me on a 31 day journey to cultivating gratitude in our hearts and lives. I will be sharing quotes, journaling prompts, books & resources for cultivating gratitude in our lives. I look forward to hearing YOUR ideas as well!
**If you’d like to receive each of the 31 blog posts about cultivating gratitude straight to your inbox, please sign up here. Each day in October (2016) you will receive an email with the blog post in it!
To Bring on the Journey
We will be discussing each of these things more in detail during the 31 day series, but you might want to grab a few things:
- a journal (I’m using a moleskin journal that I decorated, I will share resources and a printable cover if you’d like to use it, on day 1 of the series. I bought this set and plan to create them with my kids too!)
- a Bible
- Choosing Gratitude by Nancy Leigh Demoss – this book is excellent. I will be sharing quotes and ideas from VARIOUS books, however this one has a 30 day devotional in the back of it, so if you’d like to do that along with us that would be fun!
- OR this devotional by Ann Voskamp has 60 days in it! I think it would be awesome to do any kind of focus on gratitude this month!
- A friend recommended this book and I started it with my kids a few days ago — it’s great!! It’s based on Philippians 4:8 so we will be memorizing that passage during the month of October!
Join our Facebook Group of Encouragement
If you’d like to discuss this series, encourage others and receive encouragement along the journey, come to our closed group of encouragement and join us! You will need to request to join, I will click on your profile and as long as you look like a real person {grin} I will accept your request to join us!
31 Days of Cultivating Gratitude
Day 1 – Gratitude Changes Everything! (And Grab a Journal!) Day 2 – Why We Should Write it Down Day 3 – Memorize Philippians 4:4-9 Day 4 – FREE Phone Wallpapers Day 5 – Gratitude as a Habit Day 6 – Count Your Blessings Day 7 – 20 Verses for Cultivating Gratitude Day 8 – 5 Books for Cultivating Gratitude Day 9 – The Thankful Heart & The Unthankful Heart Day 10 – Take the Happiness Dare Day 11 – When I Started Counting… Day 12 – Can Gratitude Really Change a Heart? Day 13 – When We Are Truly Alive Day 14 – Praying Psalm 100 Day 15 – Raising Grateful Kids Day 16 – Even in His death, Jesus was Thankful Day 17 – Fall Favorite Journaling Entry Day 18 – Gratitude in Hard Seasons Day 19 – Finding Gratitude in a Culture of Excess Day 20 – 10 Ways to Find Gratitude Today Day 21 – Abundant Grace Day 22 – Who Can Be Counted On? Day 23 – Praying Your Own Psalm 136 Day 24 – Inspire Gratitude Day 25 – 7 Habits of Ungrateful People Day 26 – A Thankful Tree for All Year Long Day 27 – Finding Gratitude in the Midst of Healing & Forgiveness Day 28 – Favorite Thanksgiving Picture Books Day 29 – A Proclamation from Abraham Lincoln Day 30 – The Power of Scripture Memory & Gratitude Day 31 – Bible Journaling Kit Give Away (ends 11/4)
I would love for you to post PICTURES of your gratitude journals or quotes or thoughts as we go along…use the hashtag #CultivateGratitude on Instagram and we can find each other!
I will be sharing quotes and also having discussions on other books throughout this month, too! Here are some of the resources you can use for this month of Cultivating Gratitude!
Frag mich auch immer wieder, was das Faszinierende an diesem Aragorn ist. Ich denke, da spielt auf alle Fälle auch der Schauspieler eine Rolle. Obwohl der für sich genommen, nicht der Star oder so ist. Aber als Aragorn einfach perfekt.