Sometimes we wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Sometimes we are genuinely grieving a horrendous situation or loss. Sometimes we just can’t quit worrying about a certain situation. Sometimes the negative just outweighs the positive in our minds.
I’ve been in all these places before, I’m sure you have, too. But, I’m learning to be more intentional and I’m trying to train my brain to choose joy; dare I even say to fight for joy. Sometimes it doesn’t take any miraculous healing to bring a smile to our face. Sometimes we just need to make one small, good choice to change the direction of our thoughts and mindset.
These are not earth shattering tips for you. These are simple ways to go about our day and find joy in the everyday. I hope you’ll join me…
10 Ways to Be Grateful Today
Remember that you are loved just the way you are. Jesus is enough. Jesus in you is enough. You don’t have to do more, be more or be different.
Put down your phone and go outside for 5 minutes. Sit on the front porch. Walk down the street. Thank God for the colors of your very own backyard. God has a way of healing us through nature.
Turn on happy music. This one really works. You may enjoy your own playlist, but if you need a place to start, this playlist was created to go along with The Happiness Dare book that I recently read. {Search for The Ultimate Happy Playlist on Spotify if that link doesn’t bring it up.}
Read 1 chapter in a good book. Sometimes we think we are too busy to read. We are not. We must be intentional about making time for the things that feed our soul. An encouraging devotional or another book on your nightstand will fit the bill.
Read 1 Psalm or other chapter of God’s Word. Reflect on the promises of God. God’s Word has a way of healing our hearts, too.
Text, call or email a friend and tell them you are thankful for them. Reaching out and reminding our hearts of our friends and loved ones makes us grateful.
Light a candle. Say a prayer. Something about light and God go together. He is light, so when I light a candle it reminds me to thank Him, talk to Him, listen for His still small voice.
Name your blessings. Start a gratitude journal. Write down 3 things each morning that you are thankful for. If you can’t think of anything, start with the basics — thank God for a new day, breath to live and a Savior who loves you.
Preach the gospel to yourself. Remind yourself that for the joy set before Him, Jesus endured the cross. For you. He died and rose again and is preparing a place for us to spend eternity with Him. He knows our weakness and loves us still. He sent the Holy Spirit to be our comforter. Jesus is a friend of sinners.
Serve someone else. Serving others is a sure way to get our minds off of ourselves. If you can’t think of anything to do, bake something yummy and take it to a neighbor. Go visit a nursing home. Open the door for someone at the grocery store. Pay for the person’s order behind you.
{If you’re learning that joy is a battle for you…I highly recommend The Happiness Dare by Jennifer Dukes Lee. You can read more of my thoughts here.}
This is a blessing!
Super jealous! This is on my Christmas list and it’s the one thing I really want so I’m hoping it makes an appearance I currently just use WL photo gallery and Picasa too and I feel like I’m outgrowing them quickly. I also find whitebalance to be the hardest thing to get right too…wonder why?Speaking of RAW…are you shooting on the RAW + L setting or the RAW? I don’t understand what the difference is and have mine set to the RAW + L right now so if you know, enlighten me please!