9 years have brought a lot our way…as they probably have with most families. Finding out a baby is on the way within 6 months of marriage, then 2 more children to follow…all in 3 years time. Learning about how depression can rock your world, job changes, huge church changes (huge for us,) losing friends, huge family “traumas” on both sides of the family, homeschooling…but I would not change a thing. As hard as some of these times have been, I’m so thankful for the growth God has given us in our marriage and individually throughout the hard times and the good. You and I have learned quickly, through the difficult circumstances in both of our parents marriages, that we have to WORK at this thing called marriage. Neither of us came into it prepared, but both of us have fought with all we have in us to not only save the marriage God gave us but make it better.
You have been my rock. You don’t give yourself credit for all you have been for me…but it is true. When we got married you thought you were marrying a fun, organized, very “together” kind of gal. That is not at all what I have turned out to be! You have learned with me through my times of depression. You haven’t known what to say to me…but knowing you are there and that you aren’t leaving has been enough encouragement for me. We married “for better or for worse” and you definitely have been through “the worse” part with me…and have stood beside me without fail. You have been such a servant to me, when all I could do is lay in the bed and cry. Not many men would have put up with a basket case like me! 🙂 But, I am so thankful for you. Words aren’t really adequate for how grateful I am that God gave you to me.
We often talk of the things we’d like to do in 15 years or so when it’s “just” you and me. While it makes my heart grow sad thinking about *this* stage of our lives being over, with little ones in the house, I look forward with anticipation the years to come. Having seen how God can bring beauty from ashes in our own lives, I know He has much in store for us down the road. And I can’t wait to share that with you. Thank you for loving me.
Candace, what a lovely post.
Happy Anniversary to my favorite daughter and favorite son-in-law! Candace, you are such a writer, and your blog is so special. I remember your wedding day, and how beautiful you were walking down the isle. David, you have been “our: rock in many ways, and I love you more and more for the ways you have loved and stood by my daughter, loved her thru some tough years, loved your kids and been there for all of us, especially Candace. May God look down on you both as you struggle thru this thing called marriage and bless your family way beyond what you could ever hope. May God give you wisdom, peace and joy as you learn how to do this marriage thing. I never knew just how hard marriage was going to be, and we certainly did not model good communication for you growing up, and I am sorry for that – but God can mend hearts and grow you into who he wants you to be. I love you guys, and hope that you have a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY.
Happy blessed anniversary Candace!
Sweet post!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary you two!
Candace~ you are so sweet! This post is such a nice tribute to your hubby. I love the new pictures. You guys all look great! Congrats on 9 years!
Congratulations on 9 years!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Today is “Home School Wednesday”: The Daily Blog Review @ All That and a Box of Rocks, and your blog is the feature.
Take Care~