I haven’t shared about our chickens in awhile! And they have grown so quickly and have gotten so big!!
And guess what??
A few weeks ago…we got our FIRST EGG!! Now we are up to 5 eggs per day! Woo-hoo!
Our chickens love to “free range” in our yard some evenings while we are out there! One of our “ladies” likes to hop in the tree each time we let them out of their coop!! ha!
We did some reading and found that several different people suggested putting a golf ball in their nests about the time you think they will begin laying. So, we did. 🙂 This is to teach them where they should lay their eggs!!
And here is our VERY FIRST EGG!!
Isn’t it beautiful??
Since our first egg was layed a few weeks ago, we starting getting one additional egg each day for awhile. Now (early September) we are getting 5 eggs per day on average! We love our chickens!! We got our chickens when they were just a few days old in mid March. So, our chickens started laying eggs around 5 months old.
More Chicken Links
- Chicken Unit Study ~ lots of learning ideas for kids
- Our Swing Set turned Chicken Coop
- All my chicken posts
How fun! I’ve always wanted a few chickens in the backyard but I’m not sure the rest of the family would agree with me! (well, the beagle might!)