Mother’s Day in Cades Cove ~ Is it just me or does it look like a POSTCARD is behind me?!?! 🙂 It was SUCH a gorgeous day!Â
God’s Glory Outside My Window
It has been warming up here so much! In fact, I find myself wondering where spring went, it feels like we went straight to summer with our temps being in the upper 80’s several times! {I typed this post originally about 3 days ago, since then we dropped into the 60’s with rain, so it kind of feels winter/spring like. ha!! That’s TN for ya!}Â
Giving Thanks
I’m so thankful that we had a wonderful Mother’s Day together, just our small family, in Cades Cove. It was peaceful, beautiful and just what I needed! We did a little hiking, a little playing in the creek, we saw a mama bear and her 2 cubs, we saw several deer up close. The bears made my day. 🙂 I’ve heard lots of folks get to see bears in Cades Cove but I never had before!! Really, the day was just wonderful. We ended the day by eating at one of my favorite spots: Apple Barn. Yum.  (See below for some of my pics from the day!)
In The Schoolroom
We ditched school for a summer of unschooling! I wrote quite a bit about this here and here. We have had the BEST few weeks of school that we’ve had all year. I’m SO THANKFUL that I just went with my gut on this one.
From The Kitchen
Well, not a lot has been happening in the kitchen, actually. We’ve already grilled a few times which is my VERY favorite thing to do for dinner once it warms up. I have no idea why, but eating on my back porch with my family – as messy and undecorated as it is – is one of my favorite things. I love grilled burgers, a good salad and eating outside. Yep, that’s perfection.
Around The Home
Gosh I’ve had a hard time getting back into a routine…seems like when we have a good week then something else comes up to throw us all off again. Ugh. I wrote this several daybooks ago…and it’s still true. ha! I don’t know if we will actually get into a summer routine…or if the beauty of summer will be that we are OFF our normal. 🙂
On My Nightstand
Reading this book by Liz Curtis Higgs for our book club…so far so good! It’s based on the story of Ruth from the Bible. The Girl’s Still Got It: Take a Walk with Ruth and the God Who Rocked Her World
This is very interesting and eye opening, as well as challenging. I think that as believers, we should all be doing our part to help and encourage the Body of Christ. We need each other!! Autopsy of a Deceased Church: 12 Ways to Keep Yours Alive
This one might need a blog post all its own. Wow. Hitting every nerve in my body. 🙂 Sooooo good. I always knew I needed the approval of man too much. This book is opening my eyes, and my heart, and moving me in the right direction for sure. Love Idol: Letting Go of Your Need for Approval – and Seeing Yourself through God’s Eyes
Clicking Around
So many great blog posts, so little time.  First and foremost, my friend, Sarah, has a new ebook out that ALL HOMESCHOOL MOMS NEED TO READ. Yep, I just yelled a little. 🙂  I will be sharing more about this book during her launch week — and having a GIVE AWAY!! Woot! But for now, click over and read a little preview…
Also, I shared a little bit more of my heart regarding hospitality on the Busy Mom a few weeks ago.
Also, here is a FREEBIE from Mystie of Simplified Organization – Quick Start Guide to Getting Things Done for Moms
I am praying, praying, praying about next year. I have accepted a new job that will be so wonderful, but also I will be putting in a lot more hours at home than I am used to. I haven’t felt peace about any private school I’ve toured. I still feel like little boys don’t do well in classroom settings, at least my little boy. 🙂 I’m leaning towards homeschooling and using some of my income to pay for things that I haven’t been able to do before – like keep a math tutor through the year, and maybe find one other person/subject to add some help. That may be house cleaning and not homeschooling!! 🙂 Just praying about all of it!!
Plans For The Coming Week
Let’s see. We got our caterpillars in the mail to watch as they turn into butterflies. Insect Lore Live Butterfly Garden
We ordered praying mantises for this kit: Fascinations GreenEarth Praying Mantis Kit We are having a blast at Dollywood – we’ve been more times in the past month than the past 5 years all together. LOVING that all our kids are big enough for the coasters now! So, more Dollywood and then pool days as well…summer, how I love thee!
Picture Thoughts
The Littlest Way has a lovely daybook link up if you’d like to join us!Â
So nice to see you Candace over at The Littlest Way. Your Mother’s Day looks and sounds lovely. If you were excited to see bears…good for you. I don’t know how excited I would have been live and in person!