“I will hide Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You…” Psalm 119
Our minds are powerful tools. We can let the negative thoughts destroy our days or we can replace those negative thoughts with the power of God’s Word.
“You cannot eliminate a thought directly; only exchanges are permitted.” Tommy Newberry
How exactly do we go about EXCHANGING thoughts?
In his book, 40 Days to a Joy Filled Life, Tommy Newberry talks about the solution to negative thinking. “The solution is to transfer your attention to something else completely.”
And this is what we do when we practice the 4:8 principle. We are learning how to take every thought captive to Christ. We are replacing the lies with truth.
Where do we find the truth? In God’s Word!
“When you preoccupy your mind with God’s Word, you go a long way toward shutting out temptation. By committing Scripture verses to memory, you begin the process of forcing out negative, limiting thoughts and replacing them with the marvelous power of God’s promises. Remember, the Word of God does not lie dormant once internalized.” Tommy Newberry
“The word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” Hebrews 4:12, NLT
Friends, we must put on the armor of God! Every single day. Every hour. We must fill our hearts and minds with the TRUTH of God’s Word to replace all the lies of the enemy and the negativity that our flesh is prone to.
{Armor of God Bible Study. Praying the Armor of God.}
Replacing the Lies
We must fill our minds with truth. Here are some suggestions for memorization and various topics:
If you struggle with FEAR: 31 Verses to Battle our Fears with the Power of God’s Word
If you’re brokenhearted: Psalm 34
If you’re in a season of waiting: 40 Days of Waiting on God
If you’re feeling hopeless: 30 verses for finding hope
More Verses of Encouragement to Memorize
- Psalm 27:1
- Psalm 46:1
- Psalm 73:24
- Proverbs 3:5-6
- Isaiah 26:3
- Matthew 11:28
- John 8:32
- John 10:10
- John 14:27
- Philippians 3:13-14
- Philippians 4:13
- 2 Timothy 1:7
Tämä on yksi minunkin lempiohjeista. Itse asiassa nyt olen alkanut tekemään tätä vielä yksinkertaisemmin Saku Tuomisen Aglio & Olio kirjan innoittamana eli tasamitat parmesaania, oliiviöljyä ja sitruunankuorta ja -mehua. Kaikki sekaisin, pasta joukkoon ja päälle paistettua kanaa.
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