What I am loving right now…
Well, I started this post a few weeks ago and I didn’t quite get it posted in January…but I’m still loving each of these.
Please comment below and tell me what YOU are loving right now!
Smoothies are by far the easiest way for me to get in several servings of FRUITS and VEGGIES. I can always tell I have more energy when I’m having a daily smoothie! I have had my Ninja — this blender for years now and *love it.*
Here’s what I toss into the blender for my smoothies, and without measuring, which would feed a few of us:
- 1 banana
- 1 avocado
- 2 big handfuls spinach
- small handful frozen strawberries
- small handful frozen blueberries or any frozen fruit
- greek yogurt
- orange juice (half my household likes MILK in their smoothies, I prefer the citrus taste)
I am drinking a GALLON of water everyday! I’m feeling GOOD! I squeeze about half a lemon into my big water bottles and also 1 drop of grapefruit or tangerine essential oil. I love citrus flavored water!
I have big cups that I love and I alternate them each day. I have a stainless Bubba cup that I got from Walmart and then this Rtic cup from Amazon. I also purchased a stainless steel set of straws that I love.
My Journaling Bible
I have a renewed love for my Bible at the beginning of this year. I think it must be reading the book Women of the Word and realizing just what a treasure we have in those pages! And the journaling Bible just provides so much room in the margins for note taking and prayers and such…
I also happen to adore the journaling Bible monthly devotional KITS from Dayspring. Craft supplies with a focus on JESUS. Yes, please! If you want to see more pictures of my Bible and all the monthly devotional kits, click here!
Bullet Journal
Super uber simple, I followed Edie’s methods in her free video found here. So. I was NOT going to jump on the bullet journal band wagon. I wasn’t going to do it! Til I was at a goal setting workshop with the amazing Dr. Edie of LifeinGrace blog and she pretty much convinced me. {grin} She has a free video you can sign up to receive in your email and it goes over exactly how she does it. Her ideas are so simple that we can all benefit from it!
Essential oils
I also have a growing and somewhat renewed love for my oils. I have been using Young Living oils for a little over a year now. I can tell such a difference in these oils and the ones I used to use. My mood and overall emotional well being is more STABLE, I’m using their fruit juice supplement and have more ENERGY, our house is generally very WELL. I taught my first class on DITCHING THE TOXINS via video on facebook. I am just loving it all!
I wrote about the oils I use every single day as well as 5 simple resources to DITCH THE TOXINS from your home recently!
Exercising regularly
Ouch. Yep. It’s the beginning of a new year, of course I am exercising. LOL! But I feel so.much.better. I told my husband that weight lifting and walking/jogging 3-4 times a week leaves me feeling empowered. Like I really CAN do hard things. Maybe I’m not a wimp after all. And, handling stress is something I actually can do when I’m exercising. My body needs it.
I am blessed to have several friends meeting me at our church facility several times a week to walk and exercise together. I have a personal trainer friend who put together a work out plan for me and I am VERY surprised by how much I am loving it!
Here is what I wrote recently on Instagram about exercising and how I’m feeling!
3 days in a row!! 👊This is my 4th week of exercising 3-4 times per week with an hour or more each time. I think my body was in shock at first, and now I think I’m just on a high. I don’t even seem to care (yet) about the numbers on the scale but I love feeling so good. When you’ve felt lousy, when you’ve suffered from depression, when you’ve come out of a stressful semester, when you’ve been parenting and homeschooling for years, when you’ve got several teens in your home…I guess your body kind of forgets what it’s like to feel good and stays in stressed-out mode. Thank You, Lord!! I know it’s combined with eating better, not so much sugar, my super juice supplement and THE GRACE OF GOD. Help me to keep it up, dear Lord!!!! 🙏 I also continue to be thankful every time I walk in the facility at #manleybaptist because I can come and do this without huge monthly fees. Huge blessing!
Live videos for inspiration
Are any of you enjoying live videos from your favorite bloggers and online authors as much as I am?? Some of my favorites:
Edie Wadsworth of LifeinGrace blog, she also leads the essential oil group I’m in, she does videos and classes online and also does AMAZING videos and talks in our business building group. She has done a goal setting workshop, a talk on living out of LOVE and not fear, how to grow your business and more. If you want to join our Young Living team, please send me a message. Here are her public videos from her blog page!
Crystal Paine of Money Saving Mom – I’ve done a few of her courses which are video based but I also have loved her periscopes and facebook live videos through 2016 as she talked about her year of rest. Here are Crystal’s public videos from her Money Saving Mom page.
Are there any bloggers or others that you like to follow with their live videos? I would love to hear who you love listening to!
I am loving my green smoothies daily as well. With all the smoothies out there we made up our own using coconut milk and pomegranate juice.
I am loving exercising on my elliptical every morning while listening to worship music to lead into writing my letter to God and time with Him.
I am loving that my cravings for unhealthy food have lessened as I focus on drinking lots of water and enjoying fresh fruits and veggies and macadamia nuts and cashews.
I am loving reading the Book Different by Sally And Nathan Clarkson, Struggles by Craig Groeschel, Full by Asheritah Ciucio along with the awesome Bible Studies I am doing.
I am loving the sunshine and warm temperatures and swinging on my porch.
Jeanine, these are GREAT. I love Sally Clarkson’s books!! I don’t have her new one yet. I am also reading Full!! So good!
I’m loving my bullet journal too. I watched Edie’s video and am doing a simplified version. I’ve never been a to do list person, but I’m converting!