Today on the blog I am going to answer a question I have gotten quite a few times over the years! I also will share with you my list of books that I have completed in 2017!
First of all, I find great value in reading. I love improving myself, my relationship with God, my knowledge of essential oils, my Bible knowledge. I love fiction but I don’t tend to read it quite as much as other types of books. Sometimes when I need to relax I will grab a fiction book, however.
That said, there are people in this world that read a LOT more than I do. I actually don’t feel like I read that many books in a year. It may appear that I read more than I do because I love sharing what I’m reading on Instagram, especially in my insta-stories. Now, if I didn’t have kids or homeschooling or a business to run, I would read a lot more I’m sure. ha!
So, how exactly does a busy homeschooling mom who blogs, is very active in church and running her own business have time to read? Well, I’m glad you asked. 🙂
6 Reasons Why I Can Read More
I don’t watch TV. I very rarely will sit and watch a tv show or movie. I’m not sure if it’s just my personality but I have a hard time sitting and watching tv. Now, I could sit and read all day long. LOL! I guess I don’t see the benefit in it. I know that sounds terrible. I have NO JUDGEMENT in my heart for those that watch tv. I actually find myself sometimes WISHING that I could sit and get involved in a show and just VEG. I’m not trying to sound super spiritual or anything because that is not it! I just get bored when I sit and watch tv or movies!
I always have a book with me. I don’t wait for a long stretch of time to read. I always have an actual book or a book on my kindle app on my phone that I am reading. Any time I have to wait somewhere, I can get in a few pages! Even if I only have a few minutes I can read a few pages!
I read every morning. I read from the Bible, I read a short devotional and then I typically get up early enough to read at least 1 chapter in one of my current books. Usually the book I read in the morning is a book about personal growth (and inspires me for the day) or spiritual growth (and feeds my soul which is life-giving to me.) When I do not get up early enough to have that quiet stretch of time and read, my whole day feels off.
I take “breaks” through the day and read also. This doesn’t mean long breaks, but sometimes I will just pick up a book and read for 5 minutes. It feeds me and helps me to re-focus. Except for winter time, I will often go sit on my front porch with a book and that is time for me to cool down or refresh.
I find great value in reading. I think you need to see the value and importance of it. We generally make time for what we feel is important, yes? You may find it important to wind down at night by watching tv. That is fine, but that is a choice you are making! So, if you genuinely want to find more time to read, you will have to MAKE the time.
I read more than one book at a time. I don’t mean 2 books in my hands at a time. I’m not that magical. 🙂 I mean that I don’t wait to finish a book before I start another one. I may have 5-6 books going at a time. I’m moody, y’all. Sometimes I am not in the mood to read a certain type of book. So I just pick up another type! Now, that said, I cannot typically read 2 fiction books at once. So all the books I am reading at one time are all of different types.
Books I Read in 2017
Here is my list of books I have read in 2017! I hope you find something here that sparks your interest! By the way, I still have plenty of time to get in 1-2 more books so I may come back and update this post!
Books I read in 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012Â
These are listed in the order that I read them.
- Otto & The Silver Hand – this is a book I read with my kids that went along with our history curriculum last year
- The Undoing of Saint Silvanus – LOVED this first fiction novel written by Beth Moore
- Chasing Slow (read my blog post about this book here)
- Full
- The King’s Fifth – another book we read with our curriculum
- Nothing to Prove
- Lost and Found
- Madeleine Takes Command -another book we read with our homeschooling curriculum
- It Starts with Food – this book is what Dr. Edie recommended we read at the beginning of 2017 that really jump started my health journey this year
- Teaching From Rest – one of my FAVORITE books for homeschool moms!
- 10 Ways to Fall in Love with Your Bible (read my blog post about this book here)
- The Switherby Pilgrims – another book we read with our homeschooling curriculum
- 40 Days of Decrease
- Making the First Circle Work – a very quick read on network marketing
- Chasing Francis – LOVED this book
- Chestry Oak – another book we ready with our homeschooling curriculum. This was one of my favorites. I may have cried.
- Habits of Grace – fabulous book on the Christian disciplines
- Invisible Selling Machine – this book is for those trying to do marketing through email
- Wired to Eat
- Children of the Storm – if you enjoy missionary biography stories this one will inspire you!
- Go Pro – another network marketing book
- Hinds Feet on High Places – amazing story of encouragement (read my blog post about this book here)
- Israel, My Beloved – fascinating Biblical historical fiction that will give you a brand new perspective on the country and people of Israel
- The Greatest Salesman
- Who Switched Off My Brain – written by a Christian neuroscientist who talks about getting rid of toxic emotions
- Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils – if you are fascinated by essential oils and how they can help with your emotions I recommend this book
- The Happiness Advantage
- Fasting – one of the best books I’ve read on Fasting
- Unseen -so, so good
- Becoming Mom Strong (read my blog post about this book here)
- Energy Bus – fabulous book for leaders!
- Soup – another fabulous book for leaders! Very motivating!
- Prayer Box – great, quick Christian fiction read
- Sea Glass Sisters – this book goes with the Prayer Box – quick read
- Tidewater Sisters – the other book in the trilogy – quick read
- Christmas Box
- Timepiece
- The 5 Second Rule – not written from a Christian perspective but great advice for learning how to be more decisive and follow through on goals in all areas of life, I am reading this with a business group so we are applying it to our businesses.
- 21 Days of Prayer for Your Business
- High Performance Habits – so our oil team leader (Edie Wadsworth of Lifeingrace) is doing a goal setting workshop the last weekend of this year. She recommended we read this book before we attend. This is the same goal setting workshop that I attended in early 2017 that inspired most of my personal growth and physical wellness journey this year! I’m so excited about it! I am about halfway thru this book when this post is going live but my goal is to have it done by the end of this week, so I’m listing it here.)
There you have it folks! The list of books I completed in 2017. Now, I won’t list all the ones sitting by my bed and morning spot on the couch that I have not finished. Maybe they will make it to the list in 2018.
kathy w says
You read a lot of good books this year and I have written some down to check out. I was wondering about the health books you read like Wired to Eat and It starts with Food. Did you find those book helpful to start eating more healthy or do they have about the same things other books like them have? I really
want 2018 to be my year to change my eating and was wondering about those books you read. Thanks so much for your blog it has helped me tremendously and I really appreciate all you do.
Candace says
Hi Kathy!! So, Dr. Edie (the leader of our essential oil team) recommended It Starts with Food last year about this time. I actually listened to it on audible and listened to a little bit every day. Everyone is different, but for me, this book was very motivating. I enjoyed it more than Wired to Eat. But it was sort of a perfect storm for me…I would not say ONE THING helped me kick off this year of wellness I’ve had. But this book, combined with oils and supplements, having accountability, exercising, changing my food…ALL of it went together. <3 Thank you so much for your kind words about my blog! I'm SO THANKFUL you have found encouragement here!