This quote has me in a puddle of tears this morning. I have tried to share authentically about my struggles online for a few years now. But have I really been honest with you? Better yet, am I being honest with myself? What if I sought to live my own beautiful & honest life instead of what I think you want to read or see here on social media? What if I lived my life that way? And what if my beautiful isn’t beautiful to you? (These are painful questions for me, friends.)
I have lived under the lie that I am insecure and not confident and not ok with who I am for so long that I’m finding it hard to break free. You see, I *thought* I was being honest by sharing those struggles…and in those moments I was being as honest as I knew to be.
But God. Those things actually are not true. I am not insecure. I am whole and free and strong and SECURE IN CHRIST. I am COMPLETE in Christ. I am FREE and FORGIVEN. I am a NEW CREATION. I am a child of God. I’m no longer a slave to fear. I have VICTORY in Jesus. I am flawed yet being perfected & renewed day by day. I am STRONG because of HIS POWER that lives IN ME. I serve a RESURRECTED Savior who is ALIVE and lives in me.
If I believe He is alive and that He conquered the grave, then I can choose to believe He is resurrecting me, too.
Y’all. I feel it in my bones. He is doing something new. He is changing me. The resurrected King is RESURRECTING ME. Aren’t you so beyond thankful that God doesn’t STOP doing new things or give up on us? Just because I have seen myself in light of my weakness for {FAR TOO LONG} doesn’t mean that is who I am. Just because it seemed impossible yesterday doesn’t mean that it can’t happen TODAY. Just because I see something through the lens of defeat doesn’t mean that God can’t create BEAUTY from those ASHES. Y’all. He is doing a new thing. And the choice is mine: am I going to believe Him for it or not?!
New mercies. Every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness.
Resurrecting by Elevation Worship
Wow. Thank you. This is what I needed this morning.
God started a new thing in me early this year. I felt the freedom and excitement you’re expressing here. Somehow I let satan sweep it all away and instead, imprison me in a spiritual battle I wasn’t sure I could win. (My brain knows that God will win every battle I give him, but there was fear in letting go.) Today when I woke up, I praised God for another day and declared that I want Him to take the whole thing, even the parts that don’t seem fixable, the parts I’m afraid to let go of. I told Him I’m ready for Him to move this mountain. And then I opened your email.
I’m not quite to the point of “feeling” the freedom and anticipating the beautiful things He’s about to do, but it’s a step. Reading this helps me imagine the good things that are in store; not just for me but those He will give me to minister to now that my own mountains are beginning to crumble.
I’ve watched your blog quietly, not commenting much, if ever (but pinning a bunch!). But it’s been a blessing. You’ve been a blessing. I pray that He will lead you to continue this work but if not, I know He has something valuable in store for you to do.