We recently celebrated Independence Day in our country. This has me thinking about freedom in every aspect of our lives.
Freedom in Christ.
Freedom to be who God made me to be.
Freedom from unhealthy emotions.
Freedom from the bondage of people pleasing.
Freedom from negative thinking patterns.
Freedom from sin.
Freedom in my wellness journey has been very different than I ever expected it to be. For that matter, I wasn’t *expecting* to find freedom here in this area of my life.
Today, I am experiencing freedom from all the prescription meds I was on. No more anti-depressants, sleep meds or anti-anxiety meds. Freedom from the terrible side effects I experienced for years. I have freedom from sleeplessness that leads to no energy and motivation. Freedom is being 53 pounds lighter and having energy to live the life God has given me. Freedom is learning to CHOOSE my attitude. Freedom is acknowledging my weakness and WORKING ON MYSELF.
Have I arrived at some magical, perfect life?
Good heavens, no. But I am learning. I am growing. I am changing. I am CHOOSING JOY. I am CHOOSING GRATITUDE. I am crying tears, a lot of tears…which feels like freedom because for so many years the meds took away my tears.
In June I attended the Young Living annual convention and was blown away by the speakers, the sessions, the products, the friendships and the inspiration my heart came home with.
I want this freedom for you.
The women in these pictures are my friends. My mom-boss-changing-the-world friends and we are doing this business together. One of the BEST surprises of my life is how much fun I am having.
Yes, there is so much personal growth that at times I’m not sure I’m strong enough for this…but you know what? That is exactly why God led me to this business. He is pruning me and making me into who He wants me to be. Using an essential oil business to do that?!!? Yes. Crazy town. I know. He truly does work in mysterious ways.
And the fact that I am finding WELLNESS along with it?!?! You guys. I could sob just thinking about it.
It all started with a friend giving me a little roller bottle of RC essential oil.
These oils have been a bridge to better health for me. The oils have helped me rid my home of toxins. The oils are helping me find natural ways to deal with anxiety. The supplements I’m using are helping me sleep and find energy again. The team I’m in is led by one of the best inspirational, motivational and godly mentors I have ever had. What a gift her friendship is to me. Oh and she’s a medical doctor. Learning about essential oils from someone who understand the chemistry of how they work!?!? AMAZING.
The business is helping me deal with the junk and insecurity that I’ve been carrying for oh, nearly 40 years or so. This business has given me work I am passionate about — helping YOU find wellness and getting to experience that with 433 families…and counting. This business is allowing me to pay off debt we have had for years. This business allowed my family of 5 to go on our first overseas mission trip all together. This business is paying for braces and homeschool classes. This business is helping me to bless others.
Planting Lavender
Bucket list.
Who wants to join me on this FREEDOM journey?
It’s easy to get started. No membership fees. No monthly purchase requirement. Just buy your starter kit with my link and we will walk you through every step of using these amazing oils God has gifted us with!
Where are you FINDING FREEDOM in your life right now?
Candice, I praise God for His awesome Word where God’s Holy Spirit reveals to us who He is, and who we are as well! I thank God for you, too! Can a hermit like me bless people the way you do?