I tell this story every fall. I love fall. I love the colors. The yellow-orange leaves have always been my very favorite.
When we bought this house five years ago it was during the summer. We had no idea what color these trees would turn. And just like God, who loves giving gifts to His children, the leaves in my front yard turn to this glorious yellow-orange color every year.
Every single yellow leaf is like a love note from God. I am loved. I am liked. I am never alone. The God of the universe delights to give me yellow leaves in my yard.
The same God who created these gorgeous colors created in me that #enneagram4 desire and longing and appreciation for beauty.He is such a sweet, loving Father, friends.
I hope you find some love notes from Him today. I would love to hear about them.

I too LOVE the fall colors – I am partial to the more vibrant reds with the yellows mixed around. I have a huge maple in my back yard that turns yellow and a smaller one in front that turns red :-).
I have never looked at the leaves as a thank you note from God – but I will now – and I am so happy I stumbled onto your blog – as my grandchildren will be with me this weekend and I intend you use this description. I didn’t raise my children to know God – I have three. 31, 29, 23. My son – (23) recently gave his life to Christ (can I get a Hallelujah, PTL!!!!) I cried so hard at his baptism and was sooo thankful that God had answered my many years of prayers. I know ALL THINGS are in HIS timing and NOT mine. Such a hard lesson to learn. I have to be careful how I introduce God to my grandchildren and my middle daughter (their momma) and I have had a very rough/hard relationship. I do believe God is using the blessing of these babies to heal the hurts between us.
I just wanted to say thank you for your words and I hope this wasn’t too much.