We tend to think of fire only in negative terms. It is destructive. It destroys. It tears down. But what if in the fire we find the victory like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? What if the fire is what purifies and cleanses and tears down what needs to be torn down? What if we see a glimpse of God we never knew in the middle of the fire?
I don’t know what fire you’re walking through right now but one thing I do know: we never walk alone. Even through the storms and the fire. He is in the fire right there with us.
And maybe, just maybe, God is bringing about that victory in your life in the middle of the flames and He couldn’t have done it otherwise. The victory is in the fire, it’s in the valley, it’s in the storm…as we walk with Him through it all.
If you haven’t listened to the song Fires by Jordan St. Cyr do yourself a favor and go listen today.
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