I am chosen, not forsaken,
I am who You say I am.
You are for me, not against me,
I am who You say I am.
Who the Son sets free,
Oh is free indeed!
I’m a child of God,
Yes, I am!
The story of my life has been the negative thinking that turned into a BAD HABIT that led to the BELIEF of so many lies from the enemy.
Friends, it is TIME to break the cycle. To write a NEW story. To put on the armor. To fight the battle. To break the bad habits of negative thinking and to PUT ON the new self!
Everywhere I look today I see the trend of “affirmations” and telling ourselves positive things about ourselves.
There is nothing inherently wrong with this idea. In fact I LOVE the idea. But I want the things I tell myself to be based on SCRIPTURE and TRUTH and not based on ME.
I have index cards all over my house with truth I am using to REWRITE my story. I am rewiring, renewing and rewriting the TRUTH of God across the pages of my heart instead of the lies the enemy has fed me for so many years!
Did you know it is possible to PRACTICE a new thought? That is the journey I am inviting you to take. Join me as we are TRANSFORMED by the renewing of our minds.
You can download & print these Scriptural affirmation cards by subscribing to His Mercy is New by email. You can do that by clicking this link!
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