Here in East Tennessee it is already back to school time. I know. It’s a shock to the system! Whether you’re a parent, a teacher, a homeschool family or just someone trying to STAY WELL this fall & winter, I wanted to share my FAVORITES with you!
One thing I have learned since starting to use essential oils and choose more natural options for my health is that being PROACTIVE about my health is SO MUCH BETTER than living reactively.
What this means is that I am always trying to support a healthy immune system & overall wellness with the foods I eat and the products I use.
I use essential oils and supplements year round to give my wellness & systems a BOOST – and this doesn’t mean I will never get sick – but it does often mean that I’m not sick as long or I don’t get quite as sick as I may have otherwise.
Knock on wood; my kids haven’t needed a doctor’s visit in years!
So let me tell you about my favorites! (If you’d like to listen in on a class I recently taught on this topic, you can click here.)
(Side note: getting healthy PHYSICALLY has played a HUGE role in getting healthy MENTALLY. That is why I share things I’m using for my health like oils & supplements! You can read more about my story here!)
If you want to skip ahead to see these items on the website, click this link and you can view them there! (If you’re new to young living, make sure my name or referral number shows up 3387390 so that I can send your welcome gift and add you to our VIP group just for our customers!)
Starter Bundle: If you’ve never gotten started with essential oils, the bundle is the best way to get started to get the most for your money! 12 oils + a diffuser and some samples as well. Our bundles are always a savings for you because they package them together as a discounted price!
Thieves Chest Rub: this item was introduced in the last year or two and I LOVE it. It is like a Vick’s Vapor Rub but without any bad ingredients you’d not want to rub on your child’s chest! It’s super effective too.
Inner Defense: I like to call this a “natural antiobiotic” that’s not technically what it is but I will start taking these as soon as I start to feel sickness coming on. It has some powerhouse immune supporting oils in it!
Super C & Super D: our chewable supplements are so good and so necessary right now!! I keep a few extra bottles on hand so that if we do start to get sick we can double and triple up on these necessities!
Thieves sanitizer: do you remember all the huge ordeal about all the sanitizers having toxic ingredients in them a few years ago? Yeah, that was bad. Well, ours is perfectly safe and plant based AND effective! I love how ours smells & feels, it doesn’t dry out your skin and it’s safe to rub on everyone!
Multigreens supplement OR the new Ningxia Greens powder: I know that no one in this house gets enough greens! SO these are a MUST for us!
What we put ON and IN our bodies makes a HUGE difference in how often we get sick and how quickly we recover. NONE of these things are a GUARANTEE…but more the OPTIONS to strengthen our immune system so that when/if we do catch something we have tools right at our fingertips and we can help our families recover more quickly!

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