I took my “be still” mug in the car because I wanted to finish my coffee on the way to church and I was short on time. Ironic maybe?
I was thinking about this verse this morning. So often we think our “be still” time is early morning quiet time with Jesus where you’re physically still.
But being still is more about the state of our heart. I know for me I love to “be still” on my front porch but often my heart is not “still” and at peace but racing and trying to fix and thinking the crazy thought that I have any control whatsoever.
Notice that after “be still” it says “and know God.” Do we know Him?
I mean REALLY know Him?
If in those moments when we catch ourselves trying to fix it all what if we instead seek to KNOW HIM. Seek Him. If we are truly seeking Him, He gives us peace. He reminds us that He is on His throne.
He’s got the whole world in His hands so we don’t have to. There actually is relief in that. We have the freedom and gift of being still. We don’t have to pace and worry and fret. We don’t have to fix it all. Or know the outcome. Or worry that it may not turn out ok.
He’s working it all out for good and for His glory. Be still. Know Him. It’s a state of the heart, a posture. He still. Trust Him with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. That is being still.
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