One thing that God has definitely made me more aware of, since becoming a mother, is how precious the simple things are in life. He has given me JOY in the simple things. I don't think I ever paid as much attention before...having children has opened my eyes just a little bit wider. Things I never knew to be thankful for...things I never knew would bring me joy...little things become huge things in the eyes of a mother! that precious first smile chubby thighs rolling over for the first ... Read More about Motherhood: Lessons in Simple Joys
Has it really been 10 years?
Dearest Hannah, how can it be that you are turning 10 years old today?? It seems like it was just yesterday that we were watching your tiny little legs kick on that first ultrasound. You made me a mommy. You have taught me so much. I want to share 10 ways that you are so special and loved... 1. You are not only my precious daughter, you are a sister in Christ! I was so proud of your decision to be baptized this past August! Nothing makes me happier than to know you are ... Read More about Has it really been 10 years?
"So, then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Colossians 2:6-7 from a heart overflowing with thankfulness...thanking Him for... dear friends to just hang out with. and laugh with. :) studying american history with my kids this year. i have been very surprised by how much i am actually enjoying it!! the girls finally getting long division!! ... Read More about thankfulness
Susan Komen, Planned Parenthood & BlogHer
I have been a happy member of BlogHer for several years now. I have enjoyed the small payments I have received from their ads on my sidebar. As a one income, homeschooling family...every little bit truly does help!!However, with the recent saga concerning the Susan Komen foundation and Planned Parenthood, I feel that I must end my relationship with BlogHer.I want to encourage any of you that are pro-lifer's to look into BlogHer's "non-partisan" stance as noted with posts like this and this. I ... Read More about Susan Komen, Planned Parenthood & BlogHer
a little love
I think as believers we have even more reason to celebrate Valentine's Day, since God is all about love. So, go ahead...go all out...lavish your loved ones. :) We are SO blessed because God has lavished us with His love. Counting the love letters from Him this week... an evening of crafts with my girls Emily making us muffins smoothie for breakfast choir practice watching Hannah in her element: painting getting a good start on a new budget. 1 month down, 11 to go! ... Read More about a little love
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