So, I’ve been trying to brainstorm ideas of “fun” things for my kids to do while I am just barely hanging on by a thread. To gain entrance into the “survival folder” of ideas, they must be:
1) LOW maintenance on mom,
2) independent for the kids to do,
3) FUN for the kids, I want it to actually take up some time! and
4) fairly simply clean-up, preferably cleaned up by the children. 🙂
One blessing that I have encountered is that school in the mornings doesn’t stress me out. That is actually probably the most enjoyable part of my day. I really do enjoy doing school with my kids. I can’t explain it except to say it is all grace. I’m so thankful!
However, after school or anytime “other than” school time the kids have been pretty much running wild or driving me wild. 🙂 So, the other day I had the bright idea to find some very low-maitenance, but fun, ideas to pull out here and there to keep us sane. I do realize I am a bit blessed in the fact that my kids are *generally* pretty independent and can play without me for awhile. I don’t have any in the “baby” stage anymore, which probably makes some things on my list impossible for those of you with wee ones. But, maybe some of these ideas will spark some creativity for those of you who might be needing it!
Yesterday, on the way home from Bible study we stopped at a local park. It has been raining for days, weeks…it was so nice to be able to let them play outside! I actually took my Bible, my Bible study workbook and sat and READ while they played for over an hour! Bliss! Fun for them, low-stress for me!
Today we played with playdough. When I say “we” I mean my children! I bought a few new packs in a few bright, new colors and they were thrilled!
So, what are some creative ideas that you have that we could add to the “survival folder” of ideas? Share your creativity, please!!
*playground (I do want to add here, that on some days it is beyond my ability to even get them all dressed, out the door and TO the park…so on some really bad days, the park may not even be an option, but on the days that aren’t quite as bad, the park is a good option!)
*watercolor trays and paper. No assigned picture to paint, no art lesson, just free painting.
*forts/clubs – my kids have been making what I call forts, they call “clubs” for days, weeks, months now. They are ALL into this. They take every known pillow to man, bring it into said room of the day, start building and stretching blankets on top to make a fort/club. They love this! I do not love the mess, but it is keeping them happy and I have a feeling they are making memories. That is my goal for right now! I don’t want them only remembering crazy, looney, crying mama all the time!
*any *new* craft item or kit. We have lots of craft items available to our kids, but if I pick up a cheap craft kit at Hobby Lobby or such, they can go to town with something new and it will hold their attention
*fun, exciting read-alouds (this might work for your family, my kids aren’t big on chapter books yet, but if you have a really FUN or FUNNY one that we could try, let me know!)
*get a big cardboard box and let them color or paint on it all day…that will probably turn into a fort/club as well!
So, I need more ideas…what do you think??
How about books/CDs and/or chapter books on audio. I know you mentioned that your children aren’t “into” chapter books yet, but have you tried something high interest like Clementine or one of the Beverly Cleary books?
This is a link to my blog archive of audiobook posts, just in case you need inspiration. 😉
Hope you’re having a better Wednesday. I tried several times to leave a comment on your bird post, but I never could log in successfully.
I second any kind of audio tape or CD. When my littlest one needs a break from the family, I put in a Classical Kids tape or music tape. She also takes a nap every day still.
Also, do you make your kids have a rest time in the afternoon? I know when mine were young, they all had a rest time away from me and each other. They didn’t have to sleep, but would be in their rooms (or a different room if they shared a bedroom) and quiet for at least two hours. They could play quietly, look at books, or rest on their beds. It took some training to make sure they didn’t bother me, but it was so worth it! Just an idea. Some days they would watch a Disney movie together for rest time.
1. Bubbles!
2. If you keep a jar of coins, sort the coins into penny, nickle, dime, and quarter jars. Figure out 10% to give to God and make a list of what to do with the rest.
3. Have a picnic lunch inside or outside.
4. Electric sharpener? Sharpen all their own colored and regular pencils.
5. When all else fails: computer games (preapproved, of course.)
Happy Thursday.
We did rest time/ stories on CD time when my kids were younger. They still do this (work on stuff quietly in their rooms while listening to stories) and my boys are 12 and 8! They probably only do it about 3 times a week, but it is nice!
How about big pans of water they can bathe their cars, dolls, action figures etc in. Mine love doing that. They also love chalk – outside and on construction paper.
The Olga Da Polga books are very funny despite being chapter books. You can even get them as Audio books via Audible Kids. My boys roared with laughter through it.. They also really liked By The Great Horn Spoon and still “play” that book.