A little over 7 years ago, there was one word that I dared not speak aloud. There was something going on in my life that I was too scared to speak of. Looking back, I didn’t even realize myself what was happening. I was struggling. I was in a dark hole that I could not seem to pull myself out of. I couldn’t say it to my husband, I couldn’t even admit it to myself until much later.
The Lord has done a great work in my life and I can now share ~ with hope ~ about my times in the valley and my times of deep darkness. I share because I know there are many of you that struggle, too. I share because when we are open and authentic with one another, we encourage one another. So many have encouraged me along this journey, and I pray that I can encourage you as well. When we go through anything difficult in this life, I truly believe a big part of God’s plan is that we share with one another so we can encourage and lift one another up.
This week it is my hope and prayer that you will click away from this blog encouraged and hopeful. Because, friend, there is hope.
Did you hear me? Even if you can’t see it yourself, I couldn’t…
There is hope.
There have been so many times in my life that the lies of the enemy have been louder than any other voice in my head. When I share with you, when I speak the truth outloud, when I claim God’s promises, that voice gets smaller and smaller. That is what this week is all about. Diminishing the lies, speaking the truth.
My pastor shared last week that we shouldn’t “waste a trial.” He was talking about how God uses trials in our lives to make us more like Jesus. You see, friends, when I tell you there is HOPE, I’m not telling you to hope that everything will be better tomorrow and life will be great and we’re all going to be rich and live forever. {grin} The hope that I speak of is the hope that Jesus walks with me, I have a close relationship with Him, and anything I am going through, He is going through with me…and He is comforting me, He is defending me, He is helping me to understand how HE can get the glory, even in the midst of a trial.
For the rest of this week, I am going to share 4 truths that God has given me as I’ve walked with Him in the darkness of depression. I hope you will come back, join the conversation and leave blessed, encouraged and hopeful.
**I would be honored to pray for you. If you are struggling, please leave a comment or use the contact form on the blog, leave me your first name and I commit to pray for you!
5 Days of Homeschooling with Depression
Day 1 ~ There is hope.
Day 2 ~ I am not alone.
Day 3 ~ There is good in the valley.
Day 4 ~ I am broken. And that is a good thing.
Day 5 ~ God is bigger. {AND a give away!}
**Resources & Links for moms struggling with depression found here.
{Would you like more encouragement coming to your inbox? Please consider subscribing to my blog to receive 31 Days of Encouragement for the Homeschool Mom ebook FREE!}
Click over to read all the other great series this week!

Thanks for sharing, Candace! I, too, have struggled with depression. Chronic depression with bouts of major/serious depression throughout my life. It’s not something that I can see from the other side quite yet, because it’s still a daily struggle for me. But I can also attest that there is grace and hope in Christ in the midst of it. And, it is my hope as well that the trial would not be wasted. I am always so encouraged to see people, especially Christian people bringing this to light and recognizing that it is a real illness, and not a fault of the person suffering. I feel like if I can help educate one person, or help just one person feel less alone or more encouraged, then my trial won’t be completely wasted.
I agree so much, Crystal!! I think as we blog about these things we are breaking down barriers AND the lies of the enemy!! Lifting you up in prayer today.
I’ve been there. (Some days, I am there.) It’s HARD. And I firmly believe the more we talk about it, the more we can use our trial to help others — too many people suffer in silence. Praying for you, friend.
Thank you, Meg!! Praying for you too! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!!
I wonder why we are so tight lipped about this trial in particular. It seems as though it is perfectly acceptable to speak openly as Christians about the trials in our lives unless that trial is truly painful. Depression is something that effects my whole family in that when I am in that sink hole my family suffers with me. I have dealt with it for so long on my own that when it flared up recently it was the worst of all my attacks in that I could actually see the damage happening around me. Thankfully medication helps tremendously in my case, but its not a cure all. I still have to lean heavily on the hope and promises to remember the truth when bombarded with lies. Homeschooling actually helps because I am reminded daily of my purpose, worth and importance.
Tabitha, thank you for sharing. You are right, it affects our entire family. Sometimes it seems impossible to even remember the promises, doesn’t it? That is interesting about homeschooling helping you!! Great perspective! Thanks for commenting. Praying for you this week!!
Thank you for sharing! I think I keep waiting for this darkness to lift then live… But I need to live everyday walking and knowing Jesus walks with me. I also need to read God’s promises and speak them into my mind so His voice is louder.
So I typed in for the first time “homeschooling while depressed”. (Boy don’t I hate that word. Me depressed and anxious; unbelieveable.) What I read in your 5 day posts, well, ive said and heard and said and heard the same things. I am sooooo tired of hearing “ill pray for you” or “Jesus gives us strength in all things” or “Whatever God brings you to He will bring you through”!!! The next time someone says this I might just smack the holy ghost out of them. But really, this helps 0%. I need guidance, a hand to physically help, a plan for success, someone to be the hands and feet of God! I hate myself more everyday. My husband is my hero and he has helped so much but he can only do so much and he has lost so much work already. Its mid June and he has only worked 5 whole weeks this entire year. Most days I don’t want to leave my bed. I get as much school as I can but the kids (5 of them) are all behind. Help is needed right now because plenty of prayers have gone to God for help. Wont anyone step up? Where are Gods people?
I’m so sorry you’re struggling, Jennifer. May I ask if you’ve seen your doctor? It sounds like it’s time to get help beyond what you can do for yourself. For me, medication was what pulled me out of the pit. I am no longer on it, but for the few years I was on it, it truly was a God send. You may not like to hear it, but often people who truly love you just don’t know what to say! If they will genuinely pray for you, what a GIFT that is!! If schooling just isn’t happening, it may be time to consider other options there as well!