It’s time to talk about a SUPPLY LIST for your art class!
This year, in our brand new co-op, I had each child bring in a school box full of art supplies for us to use each week. This has worked really well so far. They bring the box of varied supplies each week, keep them in their backpack, and this way I don’t have to tell them every week what to bring the next week. We all know that would be a disaster! Kids would forget, things would be left at home…this way, everyone always has their supplies every week! {Bonus: I can wait til the night before to decide what art lesson to do!}
Now, even though I have no art background, I do enjoy crafty things and have done lots of art projects with my kids over the years. Again, mostly stuff I found online!! 🙂
So, while I may not know the technical terms behind certain techniques, I am a bit picky about art supplies. Sorry, Rose Art, but you just aren’t my favorite! I’m linking up with some of my favorite brands!
Here is the list I gave to each of my students:
Bring weekly
- pencil
- sharpie marker
- Colored Pencils
 (Prismacolor are definitely my favorite!)
- Watercolors in Tray
 (I prefer non-washable paints!)
- Oil pastels
 (our walmart had these
 this year when school supplies were out and so far they are working great!)
- Chalk Pastels
 (yes, both oil pastels AND chalk pastels! this caused lots of confusion for our folks! you might want to clarify that you want both.)
- crayons
- scissors
- paint shirt or smock
- glue bottle
Then, in addition to these weekly supplies, I had each family bring in one of the following. (note: I am learning so much as I go!! I asked for too much construction paper this semester and not enough of other things. I’m going to keep a running list here on my blog, so if I teach this class again I can correct those mistakes!)
Each family bring once
- 1 roll of paper towels – we’ve already been through 3 rolls in 3 weeks I think! ha!! Art class is MESSY!! (that’s the best kind, right??)
- 1 package of construction paper
- 1 package/tablet of Water Color Paper
 (I realized AFTER our co-op started how expensive it was going to be for me to provide this for all the kids more than once, so next year I will ask each family to bring in one pad. This price at amazon is better than our walmart and Hobby Lobby prices, so I will be ordering several packages through amazon here very soon!)
- any Tempera Paint
 they have at home – NOT washable – washable just doesn’t have vibrant colors and it doesn’t paint as well
Things I’m providing
- plastic table cloths to take off and on each week, so we don’t damage the church’s tables!
- plastic cups to use each week for water when we paint
- clorox wipes
- 18 x 12 inch paper
- more Tempera Paint
- Water Color Paper
Teaching Art Series Links
- Art Class Project Ideas Pinterest BoardÂ
- Introduction to this series (and all the links to series)
- Supply List for Art Co-opÂ
- 5 awesome art blogs!
- Van Gogh’s Sunflowers ~ Lesson Part 1
- Van Gogh’s Sunflowers ~ Lesson Part 2
- 12 Picture Books about Van Gogh
- Van Gogh’s Starry Night
- Self-Portraits
- Turkey Art
One of my favorite tools for teaching art is Tricia’s Simple Chalk Pastel Tutorials! Find them here!
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