Well, well, well. Here we are again! Homeschooling! I must say, this is a surprise even for me! If you missed my post about how this came about or my heart towards homeschooling, head over to this post first: Homeschooling, It’s Not About Me. I admit to coming back to homeschooling a little bit begrudgingly, but God is doing a work in my heart, too!! Homeschooling, like mothering, has been a huge part of my sanctification process! God is faithful to not give up on me.
This year we have an 8th grader, a 7th grader and a 5th grader. Where have all the years gone? Back when we were reading picture books, doing Five in a Row, our favorite unit studies and LOTS of arts and crafts, homeschooling was pleasant and enjoyable. Somewhere along the way my kids grew up and started arguing with me. How dare they have opinions of their own?? {grin}
In my former life, I was a kindergarten teacher. That is my “prime” and one of my favorite age groups to teach. So, it makes sense that as my children grew older, it became more difficult and not quite as fun. Pre-algebra?? Are you kidding me??
So, this year, we are farming out a lot of our classes and so far I am VERY pleased with how it all coming together!!
8th grade
- Literature & Composition – I’m super excited about this reading list for my girls, you can also read more about this class they will have, meeting in our home each week
- Math – Saxon Algebra 1/2, 3rd Edition
at co-op
- Science – Science Shepherd REVIEW course, as well as a Lego STEM class at co-op (We’ve already done a few weeks of the Science Shepherd and is it great. SHORT videos and a workbook page for each day’s video. Very low maintenance and from a Christian standpoint.)
- Home-Ec – co-op class
- American History – Drive Thru History: American History, Special Edition 1-6
with our family & discussions, a few books possibly thrown in for each time period - Yearbook – co-op class
- Bible – Foundations in Romans: I’m using this resource from Simply Charlotte Mason to teach a small group of kids after their literature class is finished while they are still at my house
- Art – right now we are using this GREAT video course we found online: Mixed Media Workshop
7th grade
- Literature & Composition – I’m super excited about this reading list for my girls
- Math – Saxon Algebra 1/2, 3rd Edition
at co-op
- Science – Science Shepherd REVIEW course
- Home-Ec – co-op class
- American History – Drive Thru History: American History, Special Edition 1-6
DVD’s with our family & discussions, a few books possibly thrown in for each time period - Yearbook – co-op class
- Bible – Foundations in Romans: I’m using this resource from Simply Charlotte Mason to teach a small group of kids after their literature class is finished while they are still at my house
- Art – right now we are using this GREAT video course we found online: Mixed Media Workshop
5th Grade
- Language Arts & Spelling – while my girls are in their literature class upstairs (at our house) a dear friend will be teaching the 5th grade boys a few subjects! She is using Spelling Skills: Grade 5
, Reading Skills: Grade 5
and a reading list
- Math – Horizons Math 5
- Science – Science Shepherd videos & workbook at home, Lego STEM class at co-op
- American History – Drive Thru History: American History, Special Edition 1-6
DVD’s with our family & discussions, a few books possibly thrown in for each time period - Chess – class at co-op
- P.E. – class at co-op
- Art – pottery class at co-op
- Bible – Foundations in Romans: I’m using this resource from Simply Charlotte Mason to teach a small group of kids after their literature class is finished while they are still at my house (the group of kids is mostly older than Caleb, so I will be modifying for a few of the younger students. They will NOT use the workbook, I’m going to have them use
Do you have a middle schooler in your home? a 5th grader? I would love to hear what curriculum choices YOU have made for your family!
I would love to see your 8th grade reading list for the girls. When I clicked on the link, I received an error message.
Im on my phone and can’t fix the link right this minute, but that link goes to a post from last week. 🙂