2016 has been such a glorious year of books!! So many great books, so little time! But I did get in quite a few that I LOVED. I will also list my VERY favorites of 2016 down at the bottom of this list!
Years Past: Books I read in 2012, Books I Read in 2013, Books I Read in 2014, Books I Read in 2015,
Books I Read in 2016
- Fearless (wrote a whole series of posts on this book)
- Wild and Free
- Loving Our Kids on Purpose (I did a series of posts on this book as well, this was the 2nd time I read this book, this is one of my favorite parenting books)
- Precious In His Sight (read my post on this book)
- Too Busy Not to Pray (this was a book we did in our closed group for encouragement, so so good! Read a little more about this book here.)
- Dear Mr. Knightley (I read all 4 of Katherine Reay’s fiction books this year. Some of my favorite fiction ever!)
- The Bronte Plot
- Lizzy & Jane
- The Awakening of Miss Prim
- The Happiness Dare (another book we did in our facebook closed group! This was a hugely paradigm shifting book for me. I wrote more about it here.)
- Fresh Out of Amazing (read my post about this book here)
- All The Pretty Things (oh my. Hardest yet most beautiful read of 2016. I wrote more about it here.)
- Uninvited
- A Gracious Space (The author of this owns the homeschooling company Brave Writer. Her writing is not faith based but has been some of the BEST advice and wisdom about homeschooling for relationships that I’ve ever read! Check out all her periscopes and facebook live videos!)
- Raising Grateful Kids (read more about this book here)
- Choosing Gratitude (I based my October 31 day series on this book and the topic of gratitude, read those posts here.)
- 40 Days to a More Joy-Filled Life (The 4:8 Principle) (another favorite of the year! So very practical and helpful in learning to CHOOSE joy.)
- Present Over Perfect (most convicting book I read this year. I shared the 10 things I learned from this book in the video below.)
- A Portrait of Emily Price
- A Baxter Family Christmas
10 Things I Learned from Present Over Perfect
Favorite Books of 2016
And now for the books (all listed above) that were my FAVORITES by CATEGORY!
FAVORITE FICTION: I read all 4 of Katherine Reay’s books and I think her latest one might be my favorite. Loved them all. A Portrait of Emily Price
FAVORITE MEMOIR: All the Pretty Things by Edie Wadsworth. The book that will break your heart and heal it all at once. I cried, I laughed and I was reminded that Christ redeems all things.
FAVORITE CHRISTIAN GROWTH BOOK: The Happiness Dare by Jennifer Dukes Lee was such a paradigm shift for me! God gives JOY and HAPPINESS! Really!? Yes! <3
MOST CONVICTING TITLE: Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist. This book was just written for me in this season. God has used this book to show me the need to slow down and take some things off my plate. If you look in my video section I talked about 10 things I learned from this book a few weeks ago.
MOST PRACTICAL & HELPFUL: 40 Days to a Joy Filled Life was just full to the brim of practical ways to help us LEARN to choose our emotions and find joy.
A Baxter Family Christmas should be arriving at the library for me today. I can’t wait to read it!
Happy Birthday! The hardest part of prayer for me is to stay focused and then not expect “my” answer but be willing to accept that my prayer did get answered the way God knows is best for me at this time in my life.