We can be “transformed by the renewing of our minds…” according to Romans 12:2 and these books have been revolutionary for me in learning to believe that I CAN CHANGE MY THOUGHTS. Each of these books has impacted me in different ways, I am currently in the middle of Train Your Brain, but each of them has been so powerfully transformative for me.
“How you feel is a clear indicator of the types of thoughts you’re having.” from Train Your Brain. For so long, I have felt like my emotions were all over the place…what I didn’t consider is that those emotions started as thoughts, which turned into beliefs, which then became emotions.
Y’all. I can’t even begin to tell you what a battle this has been for me. Moment of Honesty: I’m still in the battle. But reading these books is helping me to believe, for the first time, that change is possible and it is possible to control your thoughts and feelings. Be TRANSFORMED and RENEWED. That renewing takes work.
I encourage you to memorize Romans 12:2 and ask God to help you BELIEVE.
I would love to hear from you. Have you successfully learned to change your thoughts from negative cycles to more positive thinking? What helped you the most? I admit, in the past (even as recent as a few months ago) I did not even BELIEVE it’s possible. A few years ago you might have even heard me say “I’m just a negative person prone to depression.” #nomore But looking at the science and choosing to believe Romans 12:2 are helping me get there. Our minds were not created to be stagnant. We were created to GROW, which means change is possible!
I want to hear from you and what has worked for you. I plan for share more about Train Your Brain when I’m finished with the book and all the exercises in the back. I will let you know how it works. There are some definite practical steps in these books that I am working on. Just being AWARE of the negative thought patterns is huge, because that allows us to begin replacing them!
Favorite Books on Changing My Thoughts
(I’ve mentioned all these books before except for Train Your Brain, I am currently reading that one.)
Disclaimer: not all of these books are written from a Christian perspective but I don’t have a problem connecting the science to Romans 12:2 because I know it’s how God created our minds to work even if others don’t acknowledge the Creator.
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