This has been a powerful, powerful truth in my life over the last few months. You can hear more in my instastories from today or the mindset categories in my highlights.
What if every time worry or anxiety started to creep in about a certain situation, we told ourselves, “It’s all going to work out how it’s supposed to.” What if we repeated it til the anxiety left our body?
What if we decided, in that moment, to CHOOSE our focus and not keep dwelling on that conversation you wish you could take back or the worry over the stressful situation you have coming up?
It’s all going to work out how it’s supposed to.
And even if it’s not how you hoped it would turn out, it’s still going to be ok. This doesn’t mean we are never sad and we don’t have pain. God is using the most painful situations of my past to use me for His glory today.
So I’m choosing to BELIEVE and be grateful for it and not focus on the WHAT IFS. Say it with me until you believe it. And yes there is POWER in our words so I believe even the actual act of speaking and meditation on this truth is going to help calm our minds. Repeat after me: it’s all going to work out how it’s supposed to.
I’m finally starting to believe it.
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