Depression. Mental Illness. A scary topic that needs much grace and love and awareness shared among the Body of Christ. Help me to do just that by sharing this page. We must be willing to set aside our pride and show GRACE to one another no matter our feelings or thoughts on the topic of mental illness.
I wanted to have a place where I could keep a list of books, blog posts & ebooks that have helped and encouraged me in my struggle with depression. I want to share with you that I feel there is no CURE ALL for depression. Just as in life and parenting and everything else, I wish there was an easy 1-2-3 formula to zap away my problems. But, there isn’t. You need to find what works for you, and sometimes, that is just surviving today. I personally have taken medication for several years now and it has been a lifesaver. I know others who will not do so. I have also found my moods greatly affected by foods, but I know of others who don’t find help there. So, God created our bodies so uniquely and individually…we need to be close to Him and willing to try different things to seek after the joy He has for us.
Please note: I am not a doctor or a trained counselor. I am just a mom who struggles with depression. It is my hope and prayer to share my experiences as an encouragement to other moms.
3 Years Off of Anti-Depressants
I would love for you to read an update now that I have been off all of my anti-depressants for 3 years and am thriving. God has been so good to me. My mindset has changed. My health has changed. We are never truly hopeless if we have Christ. We have the power of the Holy Spirit living within us giving us the power to make the steps necessary to BE TRANSFORMED.
My Journey Off of Anti-Depressants
My wellness journey & 51 pound weight loss!
Praying the Scriptures
One of the biggest ways the Lord has comforted my heart in seasons of hardship has been to teach me to pray the Scriptures! Please click over and see all my posts on this topic!
Blog Posts
- What the Church & Christians Need to Know About Depression from Ann Voskamp
- The Hope Toolbox – 31 practical helps for those struggling with anxiety/depression
- 10 Truths to Say Aloud When You Feel Despair
- A Mother’s Struggle to Overcome Depression from Tabitha Philen
- Depression, Addiction, Recovery, Chronic Illness from Suncoast Momma
- The Blessing of Anxiety from The Architect and the Artist
- Homeschooling with Depression from Bright Ideas Press
- Homeschooling with Depression Part 2 from Bright Ideas Press
- Homeschooling Through Depression from So You Call Yourself a Homeschooler?
- How to Homeschool with Depression from The Pelsers
- Depression: Finding YOUR Combination to help (some things that have helped me personally)
- Homeschooling in Difficult Times from Kelli at Homeschooling Adventurez
- Coming Clean from Crystal at Serving Joyfull, also her other posts on depression
- 5 Days of Homeschooling with Depression ~ a series from my blog
- I am a Suicide Survivor ~ from Jennifer Lambert
- My experience in weaning off Effexor
- 5 Things NOT To Say To Your Depressed Friend {plus a few ways to encourage!}
- Hope Takes Practice
- Nothing Happens Apart From God’s Will
- Suffering Has a Purpose
- The Words He Gives Us {when we don’t have the words to pray}
**these are books that I personally have read and have helped me in some way
- Depression: Looking Up from the Stubborn Darkness
- 5 Books for Christians Struggling with Depression
- The Depression Cure: The 6-Step Program to Beat Depression without Drugs
- Even-Tempered Mother: Tips from a Mom Overcoming Rage and Depression {BONUS CONTENT}
- Potatoes Not Prozac: Solutions for Sugar Sensitivity
- A Place of Healing: Wrestling with the Mysteries of Suffering, Pain, and God’s Sovereignty
- Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health
- One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are
- The Contemplative Mom: Restoring Rich Relationship with God in the Midst of Motherhood
- Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe
{my thoughts on this book}
- The Psalms ~ my favorite comfort book
You can receive 31 Days of Encouragement for FREE when you subscribe by email to my blog!
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Thanks for sharing this list! I am currently reading A Place of Healing. When my depression is at the worst I tend to listen to the Psalms on my Bible app to get myself to sleep.
Debbie, are you enjoying A Place of Healing?? I really, REALLY loved that one. Actually I’m a little over halfway through it and never finished it. That is what happens to books on our iPad that I don’t have in front of me to remind me I need to finish it. 🙂 I love the idea of listening to Psalms on an app before bed!! I might try that!! Thanks for commenting. 🙂
I am actually really liking the book! Years ago I read her book, When God Weeps. It is excellent!!!!! Joni really has a deep understanding about suffering.
HI there, I subscribed to your blog and I am wondering how to download the 31 days of encouragement? Thanks!
Some great resources here for all women! Appreciate your sharing with us!