“Hope, as you will find, is a skill that takes practice.”
Edward Welch, from Chapter 6 of Depression: Looking Up from the Stubborn Darkness, the best book I’ve read, to date, on the topic of Christians struggling with depression
This quote, among many others from this book, really, really hit me. Hope can be hard to find. I shared some free, downloadable devotions on hope because I realize that.
Hope takes practice.
Hope takes faith.
Hope takes work.
I think that is so key for us to understand. We have to WORK at finding the hope and joy. We can’t be complacent in our depression. So often we are unable to pull ourselves out if we’re already in too deep. But, when we sense ourselves headed down that downward spiral we.must.fight.
Knowing that hope takes work is a huge part of the battle. But, WHAT does that work look like?
Here are my favorite ways to fight for hope:
- Pray. Often. When you don’t know what to say, say the name of Jesus.
- Reminding ourselves that He delights in us regardless of ourselves. Does that make sense? Regardless of your circumstances, regardless of your mistakes from yesterday, regardless of your place in life, He delights in you. Remind yourself daily, moment by moment.
- Confide in a beloved friend. It’s hard. Send out a text as a plea for help.
- Go outside. Walk around your neighborhood thanking God for His beautiful creation.
- Count your blessings. Name them. Outloud.
- Go to bed early. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep.
- Get lost in a great fiction book.
- Have coffee with an encourager. {And later, you can be that encourager to another struggling friend!}
- Print off these reminders for your fridge.
- Turn on some loud worship music.
- Get in the Word. Stay in the Word. Pray the Word. Memorize the Word.
More posts from this book
- from Chapter 4 ~ Nothing Happens Apart From His Will
- from Chapter 4 ~ Suffering Has a Purpose
- from Chapter 6 ~ The Words He Gives Us
- from Chapter 6 ~ Hope Takes Practice
- from Chapter 10 ~ Through Our Struggles
3 Years Off of Anti-Depressants
I would love for you to read an update now that I have been off all of my anti-depressants for 3 years and am thriving. God has been so good to me. My mindset has changed. My health has changed. We are never truly hopeless if we have Christ. We have the power of the Holy Spirit living within us giving us the power to make the steps necessary to BE TRANSFORMED.
I love all your suggestions. So true! The hardest one for me is going outside. We live on a farm. I get so busy with things inside, I just know if I go outside I’ll get sidetracked and get behind on things I need to finish inside…
Oooh. What a neat idea! Practicing hope in small things leading to hope in big things is like Jesus’ teaching that being faithful in small things will lead to big things to be faithful for. Thanks for linking in!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this! I am a couple years late seeing this post, but know that it is still touching lives. Thank you, Candace.
Thank you so much, Reagan. The post may be a few years old, but it is still SUPER applicable even for me…I have to work at it. But hope is worth it.
Im passing this around to people I know because its just a great reminder and full of tips. Thank you for such great insight.